F. Fabiani
10 records found
We present semi-decentralized and distributed algorithms, designed via a preconditioned forward-backward operator splitting, for solving large-scale, decomposable semi-definite programs (SDPs). We exploit a chordal aggregate sparsity pattern assumption on the original SDP to obta
State convergence is essential in many scientific areas, e.g. multi-agent consensus/disagreement, distributed optimization, computational game theory, multi-agent learning over networks. In this paper, we study for the first time the state convergence problem in uncertain linear
This paper considers the multi-vehicle automated driving coordination problem. We develop a distributed, hybrid decision-making framework for safe and efficient autonomous driving of selfish vehicles on multi-lane highways, where each dynamics is modeled as a mixed-logical–dynami
To control the flow in a dynamical network where the nodes are associated with buffer variables and the arcs with controlled flows, we consider a network-decentralised strategy such that each arc controller makes its decision exclusively based on local information about the level
Network-decentralised optimisation and control
An explicit saturated solution
This paper proposes a decentralised explicit (closed-form) iterative formula that solves convex programming problems with linear equality constraints and interval bounds on the decision variables. In particular, we consider a team of decision agents, each setting the value of a s
We consider the charge scheduling coordination of a fleet of plug-in electric vehicles, developing a hybrid decision-making framework for efficient and profitable usage of the distribution grid. Each charging dynamics, affected by the aggregate behavior of the whole fleet, is mod
In this paper, we show the equivalence between a constrained, multi-agent control problem, modeled within the port-Hamiltonian framework, and an exact potential game. Specifically, critical distance-based constraints determine a network of double-integrator agents, which can be r
Merging two Control Lyapunov Functions (CLFs) means creating a single 'new-born' CLF by starting from two parents functions. Specifically, given a 'father' function, shaped by the state constraints, and a 'mother' function, designed with some optimality criterion, the merging CLF
We propose a hybrid decision-making framework for safe and efficient autonomous driving of selfish vehicles on highways. Specifically, we model the dynamics of each vehicle as a Mixed-Logical-Dynamical system and propose driving rules to prevent potential sources of conflict amon