Patrizio Colaneri
10 records found
Optimal control of compartmental models
The exact solution
We formulate a control problem for positive compartmental systems formed by nodes (buffers) and arcs (flows). Our main result is that, on a finite horizon, we can solve the Pontryagin equations in one shot without resorting to trial and error via shooting. As expected, the soluti
Early detection of the emergence of a new variant of concern (VoC) is essential to develop strategies that contain epidemic outbreaks. For example, knowing in which region a VoC starts spreading enables prompt actions to circumscribe the geographical area where the new variant ca
We consider the problem of assessing the sensitivity of uncertain biochemical systems in the presence of input perturbations (either constant or periodic) around a stable steady state. In particular, we propose approaches for the robust sensitivity analysis of systems with uncert
We consider a class of epidemiological models with an arbitrary number of infected compartments. We show that the logarithmic derivatives of the infected states converge to a consensus; this property rigorously explains the feature empirically observed in real epidemic data: the
Generalized epidemiological compartmental models
Guaranteed bounds via optimal control
We consider a class of epidemiological models in which a compartmental linear system, including various categories of infected individuals (e.g. asymptomatic, symptomatic, quarantined), is fed back by a positive feedback, representing contagion. The positive feedback gain decreas
Despite progress in clinical care for patients with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)1, population-wide interventions are still crucial to manage the pandemic, which has been aggravated by the emergence of new, highly transmissible variants. In this study, we combine
State convergence is essential in many scientific areas, e.g. multi-agent consensus/disagreement, distributed optimization, computational game theory, multi-agent learning over networks. In this paper, we study for the first time the state convergence problem in uncertain linear
In this letter we show how the problem of assessing structural local stability of BDC-decomposable systems, left open in recent literature, can be solved via convex optimisation. First we give a simple test, based on a sufficient condition, that requires checking the strict co-po
In systems biology, perfect adaptation (adaptation) denotes the property of a system reacting to a step input stimulus by completely (partially) restoring the pre-stimulus output value at steady state. We address the problem of predicting adaptation for uncertain dynamical system
In Italy, 128,948 confirmed cases and 15,887 deaths of people who tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 were registered as of 5 April 2020. Ending the global SARS-CoV-2 pandemic requires implementation of multiple population-wide strategies, including social distancing, testing and cont