X. Shi
8 records found
Rotary motors play key roles in energy transduction, from macroscale windmills to nanoscale turbines such as ATP synthase in cells. Despite our abilities to construct engines at many scales, developing functional synthetic turbines at the nanoscale has remained challenging. Here, we experimentally demonstrate rationally designed nanoscale DNA origami turbines with three chiral blades. These DNA nanoturbines are 24–27 nm in height and diameter and can utilize transmembrane electrochemical potentials across nanopores to drive DNA bundles into sustained unidirectional rotations of up to 10 revolutions s−1. The rotation direction is set by the designed chirality of the turbine. All-atom molecular dynamics simulations show how hydrodynamic flows drive this turbine. At high salt concentrations, the rotation direction of turbines with the same chirality is reversed, which is explained by a change in the anisotropy of the electrophoretic mobility. Our artificial turbines operate autonomously in physiological conditions, converting energy from naturally abundant electrochemical potentials into mechanical work. The results open new possibilities for engineering active robotics at the nanoscale.
@enNanopores are versatile single-molecule sensors offering a simple label-free readout with great sensitivity. We recently introduced the nanopore electro-osmotic trap (NEOtrap) which can trap and sense single unmodified proteins for long times. The trapping is achieved by the electro-osmotic flow (EOF) generated from a DNA-origami sphere docked onto the pore, but thermal fluctuations of the origami limited the trapping of small proteins. Here, we use site-specific cholesterol functionalization of the origami sphere to firmly link it to the lipid-coated nanopore. We can lock the origami in either a vertical or horizontal orientation which strongly modulates the EOF. The optimized EOF greatly enhances the trapping capacity, yielding reduced noise, reduced measurement heterogeneity, an increased capture rate, and 100-fold extended observation times. We demonstrate the trapping of a variety of single proteins, including small ones down to 14 kDa. The cholesterol functionalization significantly expands the application range of the NEOtrap technology.
@enFlow-driven rotary motors such as windmills and water wheels drive functional processes in human society. Although examples of such rotary motors also feature prominently in cell biology, their synthetic construction at the nanoscale has remained challenging. Here we demonstrate flow-driven rotary motion of a self-organized DNA nanostructure that is docked onto a nanopore in a thin solid-state membrane. An elastic DNA bundle self-assembles into a chiral conformation upon phoretic docking onto the solid-state nanopore, and subsequently displays a sustained unidirectional rotary motion of up to 20 rev s−1. The rotors harness energy from a nanoscale water and ion flow that is generated by a static chemical or electrochemical potential gradient in the nanopore, which are established through a salt gradient or applied voltage, respectively. These artificial nanoengines self-organize and operate autonomously in physiological conditions, suggesting ways to constructing energy-transducing motors at nanoscale interfaces.
@enSingle-molecule sensing technologies aim to detect and characterize single biomolecules, but generally need labeling while the measurement times and throughput are severely restricted by a lack of positional control over the molecule. Here, a plasmonic nanopore biosensor is reported where single molecules can be electrophoretically delivered into a nanopore sensor with a plasmonic nanoantenna that is used to optically trap single molecules for extended measurement times. Using the light transmission through the antenna as read-out, optical trapping of 20 nm diameter polystyrene nanoparticles and individual beta-amylase proteins, a 200 kDa enzyme, in the plasmonic nanoantenna are demonstrated. Application of an electrical bias voltage allows the increase of the event rate over an order of magnitude as well as shorten the residence time of the proteins in the plasmonic nanopore as they can controllably be drawn out of the trap by electrical forces. Trapping is found to be assisted by protein–surface interactions and trapped proteins can denature on the nanopore surface. The integration of two single-molecule sensors, a plasmonic nanoantenna and solid-state nanopore, creates independent control handles at the single-molecule level—the optical trapping force and electrophoretic force—which provides augmented control over single molecules.
@enSolid-state nanopores are single-molecule sensors that hold great potential for rapid protein and nucleic-acid analysis. Despite their many opportunities, the conventional ionic current detection scheme that is at the heart of the sensor suffers inherent limitations. This scheme intrinsically couples signal strength to the driving voltage, requires the use of high-concentration electrolytes, suffers from capacitive noise, and impairs high-density sensor integration. Here, we propose a fundamentally different detection scheme based on the enhanced light transmission through a plasmonic nanopore. We demonstrate that translocations of single DNA molecules can be optically detected, without the need of any labeling, in the transmitted light intensity through an inverted-bowtie plasmonic nanopore. Characterization and the cross-correlation of the optical signals with their electrical counterparts verify the plasmonic basis of the optical signal. We demonstrate DNA translocation event detection in a regime of driving voltages and buffer conditions where traditional ionic current sensing fails. This label-free optical detection scheme offers opportunities to probe native DNA-protein interactions at physiological conditions.
@enPlasmon resonance biosensors provide ultimate sensitivity at the single-molecule level. This sensitivity is, however, associated with a nanometer-sized confined hotspot, and molecular transport toward the sensor relies on inefficient diffusion. Here, we combine a plasmonic nanoantenna with a solid-state nanopore and demonstrate that single DNA molecules can be efficiently delivered to the plasmonic hotspots and detected in a label-free manner at submillisecond acquisition rates by monitoring the backscattered light intensity from the plasmonic nanoantennas. Our method realizes a better than 200 μs temporal resolution together with a down to subsecond waiting time, which is orders of magnitude better than traditional single-molecule plasmonic resonance sensing methods. Furthermore, the electric field applied to the nanopore can actively drive biomolecules away from the hotspot, preventing molecules to permanently bind to the gold sensor surface and allowing efficient reuse of the sensor. Our plasmonic nanopore sensor thus significantly outperforms conventional plasmon resonance sensors and provides great opportunities for high-throughput optical single-molecule-sensing assays.
@enPlasmonic nanopores combine the advantages of nanopore sensing and surface plasmon resonances by introducing confined electromagnetic fields to a solid-state nanopore. Ultrasmall nanogaps between metallic nanoantennas can generate the extremely enhanced localized electromagnetic fields necessary for single-molecule optical sensing and manipulation. Challenges in fabrication, however, hamper the integration of such nanogaps into nanopores. Here, a top-down approach for integrating a plasmonic antenna with an ultrasmall nanogap into a solid-state nanopore is reported. Employing a two-step e-beam lithography process, the reproducible fabrication of nanogaps down to a sub-1 nm scale is demonstrated. Subsequently, nanopores are drilled through the 20 nm SiN membrane at the center of the nanogap using focused-electron-beam sculpting with a transmission electron microscope, at the expense of a slight gap expansion for the smallest gaps. Using this approach, sub-3 nm nanogaps can be readily fabricated on solid-state nanopores. The functionality of these plasmonic nanopores for single-molecule detection is shown by performing DNA translocations. These integrated devices can generate intense electromagnetic fields at the entrance of the nanopore and can be expected to find applications in nanopore-based single-molecule trapping and optical sensing.
@enThe CMS Hadron Calorimeter in the barrel, endcap and forward regions is fully commissioned. Cosmic ray data were taken with and without magnetic field at the surface hall and after installation in the experimental hall, hundred meters underground. Various measurements were also performed during the few days of beam in the LHC in September 2008. Calibration parameters were extracted, and the energy response of the HCAL determined from test beam data has been checked.