I.E. Roslon

10 records found

Synchronization plays a crucial role in the dynamics of living organisms. Uncovering the mechanism behind it requires an understanding of individual biological oscillators and the coupling forces between them. Here, a single-cell assay is developed that studies rhythmic behavior ...
Graphene-drum-enabled nanomotion detection can play an important role in probing life at the nanoscale. By combining micro- and nanomechanical systems with optics, nanomotion sensors bridge the gap between mechanics and cellular biophysics. They have allowed investigation of proc ...
The resonance frequency of ultra-thin layered nanomaterials changes nonlinearly with the tension induced by the pressure from the surrounding gas. Although the dynamics of pressurized nanomaterial membranes have been extensively explored, recent experimental observations show sig ...

Probing nanoscale forces of nature in fluid

From pneumatics to biomechanics

Nanoscale forces from natural phenomena are hard to measure. It is not insofar that we lack the ability to measure such small forces. On the contrary, nanotechnology offers a wide spectrum of techniques that allow us to sense at this scale. However, many natural systems are subje ...
Bacteria that are resistant to antibiotics present an increasing burden on healthcare. To address this emerging crisis, novel rapid antibiotic susceptibility testing (AST) methods are eagerly needed. Here, we present an optical AST technique that can determine the bacterial viabi ...
Motion is a key characteristic of every form of life1. Even at the microscale, it has been reported that colonies of bacteria can generate nanomotion on mechanical cantilevers2, but the origin of these nanoscale vibrations has remained unresolved3,4
Porous, atomically thin graphene membranes have interesting properties for filtration and sieving applications. Here, graphene membranes are used to pump gases through nanopores using optothermal forces, enabling the study of gas flow through nanopores at frequencies above 100 kH ...
Using density functional theory molecular dynamics simulations, the origin of the Li-ion conductivity in argyrodite solid electrolytes is investigated. The simulations show that besides Li-ion vacancies in Li6PS5Cl and Li6PS5Br, the inf ...

Unravelling Li-Ion Transport from Picoseconds to Seconds

Bulk versus Interfaces in an Argyrodite Li6PS5Cl-Li2S All-Solid-State Li-Ion Battery

One of the main challenges of all-solid-state Li-ion batteries is the restricted power density due to the poor Li-ion transport between the electrodes via the electrolyte. However, to establish what diffusional process is the bottleneck for Li-ion transport requires the ability t ...