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J.M. Bloemendal

23 records found

The transition to renewable energy in the heating sector faces significant challenges, particularly the mismatch between the availability of renewable thermal energy sources and fluctuating demand. High Temperature Aquifer Thermal Energy Storage (HT-ATES) systems offer a promisin ...
District heating networks (DHN) in the Netherlands have the potential to supply sustainable heat but are currently designed to deliver around 80 \% of the heat from a sustainable source. The peak demand is delivered with a gas boiler because of flexibility and costs. With the sha ...

Redifining infiltration drywell design

A study on design and functioning in theory as in practice

This research is aimed at creating a generic design method for infiltration drywells on sandy soils by acquiring knowledge on the functioning of these wells. Infiltration drywells are vertical infiltration pipes that are installed above the groundwater table and through which sto ...
Currently, a large part of the energy used to provide heat to heating network comes from gas boilers, a combustion process where 2.2kg of CO2 is emitted for every m^3 of gas. Deep geothermal energy is implemented more in The Netherlands over the last couple of years as a substitu ...

Thermal Energy from Surface Waters

The thermal effects and underlying processes during thermal energy extraction from surface waters; a case study in the canals of Amsterdam

Research towards aquathermal energy solutions is still in a pioneering phase. Especially in urban environments, these solutions could potentially form the missing connection between heating supply and demand. This study focuses on the application of these solutions in the city ca ...
Projections show that urban areas are growing at an increasing rate and produce 60% of the global greenhouse gas emissions (United Nations, n.d.). In Europe, the thermal energy sector consumes about half of the energy resources, of which 85% is produced by fossil fuel-based energ ...

Van Hondsbossche dijk naar Hondsbossche duinen

Een modelstudie naar de effecten van een zandsuppletie op het grondwater regime

In the winter of 2014 upon 2015 the Hondsbossche dike, between Petten and Camperduin in the Netherlands, has been transformed into a dune area through sand replenishment at the seaside of the dike. The area inland has been appointed as a Natura-2000 area because of the highly app ...
Aquifer thermal energy storage (ATES) is an energy efficient technology to temporarily store groundwater of different temperatures in an aquifer. The basic idea behind ATES is to store thermal energy in warm and cold wells so that the energy can be used for heating and cooling of ...

Advancing Adoption of Aquifer Thermal Energy Storage: a New Evaluation Method to Support Local Decision-Makers

Assessment of the Technical and Commercial Potential of Aquifer Thermal Energy Storage in New York State Considering the Requirements and Interests of Key Stakeholders

Aquifer Thermal Energy Storage (ATES) is a geothermal technique that is an important component in the transition towards renewable energy in the heating and cooling industry, which accounts for half of the world's energy consumption. However, the technology has not yet been imple ...

Interaction between UTES systems

A simulation study to asses the effect of Aquifer Thermal Energy Storage systems on the efficiency of Borehole Heat Exchangers

Underground thermal energy storage (UTES) is an efficient technique to fulfill the heating and cooling demand of buildings. UTES uses stable subsurface temperatures store and extract energy. This study covers two types of UTES systems: aquifer thermal energy systems (ATES) and bo ...
Hydraulic properties of aquifer systems are usually estimated by conducting field experiments, which are called aquifer tests. Different approaches have been applied to simulate the drawdown data, such as graphical type curves, analytical solutions, and grid-based models. Since ...
High Temperature – Aquifer Thermal Energy Storage (HT-ATES) is a way to efficiently store heat with use of the subsurface. Region Holland-Rijnland has the vision to be free of the use of natural gas in 2050. A proposed high temperature heating network from the port of Rotterdam t ...

Aquifer thermal energy storage following up on the tu delft geothermal well

A study on how a low-temperature aquifer thermal energy storage system can cool and heat the campus in accordance with its climate goals by 2050

In 2020 TU Delft will build a geothermal well producing enough energy to power all its faculties and a number of buildings surrounding the campus. This is done to meet the climate goals the TU set itself: an energy neutral campus by 2040. Geothermal plants are designed to produce ...
High Temperature Aquifer Thermal Energy Storage (HT-ATES) is a technique for storing large amounts of residual heat in the subsurface. In this report, the thermal deformation resulting from the temperature change in the subsurface is investigated and the resulting risks for build ...
The thermal recovery efficiency of High Temperature Aquifer Thermal Energy Storage (HT-ATES) systems can be limited due to the effect of buoyancy flow of the injected hot water. This thesis has researched the application of a Multiple Partially Penetrating Wells (MPPWs) as a well ...

Interaction between multiple ATES systems

Analysis of thermal and geohydrologic performance

Aquifer thermal energy storage (ATES) is a sustainable technology that provides thermal energy to buildings in temperate climates. The principle of ATES is to temporary store thermal energy in aquifers in a warm and cold well in order to use this thermal energy for heating and co ...

Energie uit een polderdak

Is het mogelijk om met een polderdak een gebouw energiezuinig te verwarmen of af te koelen?

Because the earth loses her heat less efficient, the average global temperature rises. As a result, more extreme weather conditions occur. In urban environments, rain during these extreme weather conditions cannot be discharged immediately. A Polder Roof, a combination of a blue ...
This study introduces a new concept of ATES system, which is called ATEST system, to fulfill the transport function while crossing the barriers in water transmission and pipe replacements. Firstly, analytical models were used to help understand the physical process and range the ...
During the Paris climate convention, goals have been set to counter global warming and work towards a sustainable future. An energy source which has been researched more intensely the past years is HT-ATES - High Temperature Aquifer Thermal Energy Storage - system. This technique ...
Dit onderzoek is uitgevoerd om meer inzicht te verkrijgen over de de invloed van ondergrondse waterberging (owb) systemen op warmte- koudeopslag (wko) systemen. Meer specifiek is er onderzoek gedaan naar de situatie in Utrecht. In Utrecht zijn meerdere wko-systemen aanwezig en de ...