Niels Hartog
20 records found
Efficiency and heat transport processes of low-temperature aquifer thermal energy storage systems
New insights from global sensitivity analyses
Aquifer thermal energy storage (ATES) has great potential to mitigate CO2 emissions associated with the heating and cooling of buildings and offers wide applicability. Thick productive aquifer layers have been targeted first, as these are the most promising hydrogeolog
Heat losses in ATES systems
The impact of processes, storage geometry and temperature
The technical and economic success of an Aquifer Thermal Energy Storage (ATES) system depends strongly on its thermal recovery efficiency, i.e. the ratio of the amount of energy that is recovered to the energy that was injected. Typically, conduction most strongly determines the
Maximizing the use of aquifer thermal energy storage systems in urban areas
Effects on individual system primary energy use and overall GHG emissions
Low temperature (<25 °C) Aquifer Thermal Energy Storage (ATES) systems have a world-wide potential to provide low-carbon space heating and cooling for buildings by using heat pumps combined with the seasonal subsurface storage and recovery of heated and cooled groundwater. ATE
Larger well diameters allow higher groundwater abstraction rates. But particularly for the construction of wells at greater depth, it may be more cost-efficient to only expand the borehole in the target aquifer. However, current drilling techniques for unconsolidated formations a
Improving the Efficiency of District Heating and Cooling Using a Geothermal Technology
Underground Thermal Energy Storage (UTES)
For efficient operation of heating and cooling grids, underground thermal energy storage (UTES) can be a key element. This is due to its ability to seasonally store heat or cold addressing the large mismatch between supply and demand. This technology is already available and ther
Aquifer Thermal Energy Storage (ATES) is mostly used to store heat and cold in groundwater at relatively low temperatures for heating and cooling buildings. These systems emit 3-4 times less CO2 when compared to gas heating, but still require substantial amounts of electricity to
In the energy transition, multi-energy systems are crucial to reduce the temporal, spatial and functional mismatch between sustainable energy supply and demand. Technologies as power-to-heat (PtH) allow flexible and effective utilisation of available surplus green electricity whe
Open bodemenergiesystemen dragen bij aan de overgang naar duurzame energie en kunnen bijna overal in Nederland worden toegepast. Lokale ondergrondse condities en systeemeigenschappen bepalen echter de efficiëntie van het systeem. Er is nog geen gedetailleerde kaart van de invloed
Aquifer Thermal Energy Storage (ATES) systems combined with a heat pump save energy for space heating and cooling of buildings. In most countries the temperature of the stored heat is allowed up to 25-30°C. However, when heat is available at higher temperatures (e.g. waste heat,
ATES systems performance in practice
Analysis of operational data from ATES systems in the province of Utrecht, The Netherlands
Energy consumption for space heating and cooling of buildings can be decreased by 40-80% by use of Aquifer Thermal Energy Storage (ATES). ATES is a proven technique, however, it is not known how efficient currently operating systems are recovering stored energy from the subsurfac
Aquifer thermal energy storage (ATES) is a technology with worldwide potential to provide sustainable space heating and cooling using groundwater stored at different temperatures. The thermal recovery efficiency is one of the main parameters that determines the overall energy sav
Managed Aquifer Recharge (MAR) is a promising method of increasing water availability in water stressed areas by subsurface infiltration and storage, to overcome periods of drought, and to stabilize or even reverse salinization of coastal aquifers. Moreover, MAR could be a key te
Bodemenergiesystemen worden veelvuldig toegepast om energie te besparen. De warmtepomp van zulke systemen gebruikt echter nog altijd veel elektriciteit, waardoor voor grootschalige toepassing ook grootschalige netverzwaring nodig is. Daarom is het voor de verduurzaming van de geb
To be able to overcome water shortages, Abu Dhabi Emirate started an Aquifer Storage and Recovery (ASR) project with desalinated seawater (DSW) as source water near Liwa. It is the largest DSW-ASR project in the world (stored volume ~10 Mm3/year), and should recover po
The efficiency of heat recovery in high-temperature (>60 °C) aquifer thermal energy storage (HT-ATES) systems is limited due to the buoyancy of the injected hot water. This study investigates the potential to improve the efficiency through compensation of the density differenc
The use of multiple partially penetrating wells (MPPW) during aquifer storage and recovery (ASR) in brackish aquifers can significantly improve the recovery efficiency (RE) of unmixed injected water. The water quality changes by reactive transport processes in a field MPPW-ASR sy
Groundwater systems are increasingly used for seasonal aquifer thermal energy storage (SATES) for periodic heating and cooling of buildings. Its use is hampered in contaminated aquifers because of the potential environmental risks associated with the spreading of contaminated gro