P.J. Stuijfzand

43 records found

Well clogging was studied at an aquifer storage transfer and recovery (ASTR) site used to secure freshwater supply for a flower bulb farm. Tile drainage water (TDW) was collected from a 10-ha parcel, stored in a sandy brackish coastal aquifer via well injection in wet periods, an ...
Arsenic is a common trace element in groundwater and its fate and transport are controlled by combination of (i) natural processes, including redox conditions, salinity and pH, (ii) sedimentary and geochemical environment, and (iii) anthropogenic influences such as groundwater ex ...
A field injection experiment was performed in an anoxic sandy aquifer over 6 days to assess sorption characteristics of 7 commonly applied pesticides in agriculture and 2 frequently detected metabolites. Pesticide use changed considerably in the last decades, and there is insuffi ...
Degradation of 7 common pesticides (bentazon, boscalid, chloridazon, fluopyram, flutolanil, imidacloprid, and methoxyfenozide) and 2 metabolites of chloridazon (desphenyl-chloridazon, and methyl-desphenyl-chloridazon) was studied in an anoxic and brackish sandy aquifer before and ...
Larger well diameters allow higher groundwater abstraction rates. But particularly for the construction of wells at greater depth, it may be more cost-efficient to only expand the borehole in the target aquifer. However, current drilling techniques for unconsolidated formations a ...
An aquifer storage transfer and recovery (ASTR) system was studied in which tile drainage water (TDW) was injected with relatively high NO3 (about 14 mg/L) concentrations originating from fertilizers. Here we present the evolution of denitrification kinetics at 6 diffe ...
Various hydrogeochemical processes can modify the quality of river water during riverbank filtration (RBF). Identifying the subsurface processes responsible for the bank-filtered water quality is challenging, but essential for predicting water quality changes and determining the ...
Arsenic (As) is a highly toxic element which naturally occurs in drinking water. In spite of substantial evidence on the association between many illnesses and chronic consumption of As, there is still a considerable uncertainty about the health risks due to low As concentrations ...
As part of an integrated water-cycle management strategy, City West Water (CWW) is conducting research to develop an aquifer storage recovery (ASR) scheme utilizing recycled water. In this contribution, we address the risk of well clogging based on two ASR bore pilots, each with ...
The last 60 years has seen unprecedented groundwater extraction and overdraft as well as development of new technologies for water treatment that together drive the advance in intentional groundwater replenishment known as managed aquifer recharge (MAR). This paper is the first k ...
Managed aquifer recharge can store surface water as safe and reliable groundwater for later recovery. However, most options are problematic in karstic aquifers due to complex hydrodynamics reducing their effectiveness and hence general applicability. River bank filtration and urb ...
Soil passage of (pretreated) surface water to remove pathogenic microorganisms is a highly efficient process under oxic conditions, reducing microorganism concentrations about 8 log10 within tens of meters. However, under anoxic conditions, it has been shown that remov ...
In the coastal dunes of the Western Netherlands, managed aquifer recharge (MAR) is applied for drinking water supply since 1957. The MAR systems belong to the Aquifer Transfer Recovery (ATR) type, because recharge and recovery are operated without interruption. This makes these s ...
To date, there has been no agreement on the best way to simulate saltwater intrusion (SWI) in karst aquifers. An equivalent porous medium (EPM) is usually assumed without justification of its applicability. In this paper, SWI in a poorly karstified aquifer in Lebanon is simulated ...
This study demonstrates groundwater quality differences between a limestone and a dolomitic limestone, (sub)oxic coastal aquifer in the Eastern Mediterranean (Lebanon), with and without ongoing moderate salinization since the last decades. For this purpose, 8 major and 50 trace e ...
Coastal aquifers and the deeper subsurface are increasingly exploited. The accompanying perforation of the subsurface for those purposes has increased the risk of short-circuiting of originally separated aquifers. This study shows how this short-circuiting negatively impacts the ...
Well field Heel, in the south east of the Netherlands, consists of a row of wells drilled in an anoxic pyrite-containing aquifer alongside a former gravel pit, which now serves as a recharge basin, where water is actively aerated. All wells are seriously affected by chemical (scr ...
Managed Aquifer Recharge (MAR) is a promising method of increasing water availability in water stressed areas by subsurface infiltration and storage, to overcome periods of drought, and to stabilize or even reverse salinization of coastal aquifers. Moreover, MAR could be a key te ...
Artificial recharge of aquifers can be performed for various purposes and under varying hydrogeological conditions. We present an overview of deep-well recharge applications which have taken place in the Netherlands over the last two decades. We present the purpose of each applic ...
Most countermeasures to mitigate saltwater intrusion in coastal, karstic or fractured aquifers are hindered by anisotropy, high transmissivities and complex dynamics. A coupled strategy is introduced here as a localized remedy to protect shallow freshwater reserves while utilizin ...