Van Hondsbossche dijk naar Hondsbossche duinen
Een modelstudie naar de effecten van een zandsuppletie op het grondwater regime
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In the winter of 2014 upon 2015 the Hondsbossche dike, between Petten and Camperduin in the Netherlands, has been transformed into a dune area through sand replenishment at the seaside of the dike. The area inland has been appointed as a Natura-2000 area because of the highly appreciated ecological value. A reduction of saltwater seepage would cause potential harm to the flora and fauna which is undesired. Two sectional models of the density dependent groundwater flow have been developed to map out the growth of a freshwater bubble forming beneath the Hondsbossche dunes and the corresponding decline of saltwater seepage to the polders inland. The two sections chosen are a section perpendicular to the coastline through the middle of a small lake De Putten and a section perpendicular to the coastline just south of a small lake Abtskolk. Both sectional models have been tested through a calibration process for the measurement data considering the freshwater head and geophysical properties of the groundwater. From the models the development of the groundwater regime for the coming 95 years has been calculated (100 years in total and 5 years until the present situation). Besides this the development of the groundwater regime in several sectional variations to the developed sectional models have been investigated. This has been done to investigate the impact of certain assumptions in the layout of the sectional models. These variations to the sectional models also are an indication of the range of possible changes to the groundwater regime for the whole area because elsewhere in the area these resulting sections could be present. Looking at the results of both sectional models and all model variations the conclusion can be drawn that the biggest reduction of saltwater seepage takes place in the years 2026 till 2056. Therefore it is advised to take action against the reduction of saltwater seepage before 2031. A sensible way of doing this is to firstly identify the most critical sections perpendicular to the sea in the area of interest. A good first step would be to identify the most permeable spots in the clay layer beneath the dunes. The results show that in these spots a faster spread of the freshwater bubble is expected. Besides this it has become apparent from the model results that the small lake De Putten attracts a bigger fraction of the seepage currents in comparison to the surrounding area. It would be a good idea to investigate where other hotspots for seepage are present in the area. In these areas the reduction of saltwater seepage would most likely be more intense. The identified critical sections would be the best places to start implementing measures against the decline of saltwater seepage. When actions are taken timely and precisely it is expected that the decline of saltwater seepage will remain small and the ecological value of the polders will remain.