
F.H. van der Meulen

16 records found

Predictive modelling for sports performance improvement and injury prevention

Wearable data-driven solutions for performance assessment and injury risk identification in baseball

Sport-related injuries occur due to a complex interaction of many internal and external risk factors gathered in a pattern of either positive adaptation (increased fitness), or negative adaptation (injury). The repetitive nature of the high-speed full-body pitching movement expos ...
In many fields we are interested in inference for a complex stochastic process given limited observations regarding its state over time. This thesis therefore introduces an expectation propagation approach to backward filtering forward guiding for high-dimensional finite-state sp ...

Efficient stochastic simulation on discrete spaces

Using balancing functions to incorporate local target density information into Markov Chain Monte Carlo sampling schemes

The breadth of theoretical results on efficient Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) sampling schemes on discrete spaces is slim when compared to the available theory for MCMC sampling schemes on continuous spaces. Nonetheless, in [Zan17] a simple framework to design Metropolis-Hastin ...
In anti-cancer therapy, ntiangiogenic treatments are applied and take effect on the vascularization of tissue. To evaluate the efficacy of treatments, we adopt two methods to solve the physiological pharmacokinetic model’s parameter estimation problem, providing discrete, partial ...
The derivation of water quality indicators is of importance, especially in coastal areas, as most of the economic activities are located here. However, the availability of high-spatial-resolution water quality information in coastal zones is limited. Nowadays, high-resolution sat ...
Dit project vergelijkt drie verschillende kernels (Random Walk, Langevin en Barker) die gebruikt kunnen worden in het Metropolis-Hastings algoritme aan de hand van voorbeelden.
The development of computationally ecient algorithms for statistical inference of stochastic dierential equations has been a long-standing research subject ever since the advent of stochastic analysis. Recently, there has been an increasing interest in extending these methods to ...
In this bachelor thesis we propose a spatial Markov Chain Cellular Automata
model for the spread of the COVID-19 virus as well as two methods for parameter
estimation. Network topologies are used to model the progression of the epidemic
by considering each individual ...
The goal of this thesis is to estimate parameters in a bidimensional Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process, namely a diffusion model which can be found in Favetto and Samson (2010), which considers plasma and interstitium concentrations. We first look at a general linear stochastic differen ...
In research there is often a need to choose between multiple competing models. Two popular criteria for model selection are the AIC and BIC. The AIC excels in estimating the best model for the unknown data generating process. The BIC on the other hand is consistent in finding the ...

Likelihood-based Inference on Nonlinear spaces

Using Diffusion Processes on Riemannian Manifolds

When data in higher dimensions with a certain constraint on it, say a set of locations on a sphere, is encountered, some classical statistical analysis methods fail, as the data no longer assumes its values in a linear space. In this thesis we consider such datasets and aim to do ...
Dit verslag is opgedeeld in twee delen. Middels het eerste deel is onderzocht
of het mogelijk is om synchroniciteit aan te tonen tussen grijze dolfijnen met
behulp van Cross-Recurrence Quantification Analysis. In hoofdstuk 2 wordt
gekeken naar de data die door Nova-At ...

Loads of lifestyles

A latent lifestyle model for interpreting and simulating electrical energy consumption

The rapid and uncertain penetration of distributed energy resources is changing the way people are consuming electricity. This development increases the risk of instability and congestion in the grid, posing great challenges to system operators in the near future. In order to opt ...
Free competition in the insurance markets increases the competitiveness and lowers the premiums. If insurers lower their premiums without having a model that accurately quantifies the expected claim size, they can be in serious trouble. This research aims to accurately model the ...
In dit verslag zullen drie verschillende GARCH modellen worden onderzocht,
namelijk het univariate GARCH model, het multivariate CCC model en het
multivariate DCC model. GARCH modellen zijn modellen die de volatiliteit
van tijdreeksen kunnen voorspellen. De drie model ...