A. Panichella
45 records found
Privacy Preserving Train Scheduling
Using homomorphic encryption to create train schedules
A substantial number of passengers in Europe rely on trains for transportation, facilitated by a network of high-speed international trains. However, the coordination of train schedules across multiple networks often poses challenges due to incompatible timings. The scheduling of
Manually crafting test suites is time-consuming and susceptible to bugs. The automation of this process has the potential to make this task more appealing. While current tools like EvoSuite manage to obtain high coverages, their generated tests are not always readable. Recent lit
Mutation testing is a way to test the effectiveness of a test suite for catching bugs in a given piece of code. Writing these tests manually can be cumbersome and time-consuming. Automated tools can be used to generate tests that achieve a high mutation score. The output of these
The automated generation of test suites is crucial for enhancing software quality and efficiency. Manually writing tests is time-consuming and accounts for about 15% of project time while tests generated by automated tools like EvoSuite and Pynguin often lack readability and comp
Over the last few years, Large Language Models have become remarkably popular in research and in daily use with GPT-4o being the most advanced model from OpenAI as of the publishing of this paper. We assessed its performance in unit test generation using mutation testing. 20 Java
Finding and fixing software faults is a major part of software development and as such any improvement for such tasks is a welcome aid for developers and a worthwhile field for researchers. Like programming in general, debugging and repair need specialized tools to provide the ne
Software testing, a critical phase in the software development lifecycle, is often hindered by the time-intensive and costly manual creation of test cases. While automating test case generation could mitigate these challenges, its adoption in the industry has been limited due to
Docker has been one of the most widely used DevOps tools in the last decade, enabling fast development of personalized services. Indeed, the common practice is to reuse already available containers and customize them based on the developer's needs. DockerHub is the leading platfo
Platooning involves organizing a group of vehicles with common attributes into a formation. With the help of Road Side Units, they establish Intelligent Transportation System (ITS). To facilitate communication in this system, one of the prominent communication technologies is Ded
Kotlin is a programming language best known for its interoperability with Java, as well as the measurable improvements it offers over it. Since it became Android’s go-to language in 2019, the popularity and impact of Kotlin have risen greatly. Amidst this surge in popularity, the
On the intuitive level, software testing is important because it assures the quality of the software used by humans. However, ensuring this quality is not an easy task because as the complexity of the software increases, so do the efforts to test it. Search-based software testing
Software testing is an important but time-consuming task, making automatic test case generation an appealing solution. The current state-of-the-art algorithm for test case generation is DynaMOSA, which is an improvement of NSGA-II that applies domain knowledge to make it more sui
In recent decades, automatic test generation has advanced significantly, providing developers with time-saving benefits and facilitating software debugging. While most research in this field focused on search-based test generation tools for statically-typed languages, only a few
Software testing is an important yet time consuming task in the software development life cycle. Artificial Intelligence (AI) algorithms have been used to automate this task and have proven to be proficient at it. This research focuses on the automated testing of JavaScript progr
Software testing is a laborious job, and accounts for a large portion of software development expenses. Search-based automatic test case generation is an area of research that attempts to remedy this by discovering algorithms suited for generating test cases automatically. In thi
Machine learning models are increasingly being used within software engineering for their predictions. Research shows that these models’ performance is increasing with new research. This thesis focuses on models for method name prediction, for which the goal is to have a model th
Cyber-physical systems are complex systems constructed from different independent parts. A self-driving car is an example of a cyber-physical system where independent parts have to come together in order to result in a car that is able to drive by itself. The main challenge is fi
Blockchains and Security
Grammar-Based Evolutionary Fuzzing for JSON-RPC APIs and the Division of Responsibilities
The continual increase in cyber crime revolving blockchain applications calls for secure blockchain systems and clarity on the division of security responsibilities. This research is an integrated project between two master programmes at the Delft University of Technology: Comput
Distributed concurrency bugs (DC bugs) are bugs that are triggered by a specific order of events in distributed systems. Traditional model checkers systematically or randomly test interleavings but suffer from the state-space explosion in long executions. This thesis presents Dis
A number of Machine Learning models utilize source code as training data for automating software development tasks. A common trend is to omit inline comments from source code in order to unify and standardize the examples, even though the additional information can capture import