10 records found

Alternating Maximisation for Active Wake Control

Enhancing static yaw optimisation and reducing noise in multi-agent deep reinforcement learning for dynamic yaw control

This thesis investigates the application of alternating maximisation for active wake control in wind farms, focusing on both numerical static yaw optimisation and multi-agent deep reinforcement learning for dynamic yaw control. As the size and number of offshore wind farms contin ...

Influence Based Multi Agent Reinforcement Learning for Active Wake Control

Using influence to increase energy production using multi agent reinforcement learning

The increasing demand for electricity has lead to demand for more efficient energy production. One promising option is wind power, which currently provides an estimated 7.8% of the world’s energy production. One of the problems with wind energy is that a small percentage of ...
The wake effect which is turbulence behind a wind turbine created when it extracts energy negatively impacts the power output of the downstream turbines. Active Wake Control can mitigate this effect, by rotating some turbines away from the wind. Previous research applied single a ...

Applying QMIX to Active Wake Control

Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning

When multiple wind turbines are positioned close to one another, such as in a wind farm, wind turbines located downwind of other turbines are not 100% efficient due to wakes, negatively affecting the total power output of the wind farm. A way to mitigate the loss of power is to s ...

Sailing the Wind: Evaluating the Impact of COMA on Multi-Agent Active Wake Control in Wind Farms

What is the effect of COMA on the problem of AWC compared to single-agent RL algorithms?

The close proximity of wind turbines to one another in a wind farm can lead to inefficiency in terms of power production due to wake effects. One technique to mitigate the losses is to veer from their individual optimal direction. As such, the wakes can be steered away from downs ...

Graph convolution reinforcement learning for active wake control in windfarms

Application of a multi-agent reinforcement learning algorithm

Wind energy, generated by windfarms, is playing an increasingly critical role in meeting current and future energy demands. windfarms, however, face a challenge due to the inherent flaw of wake-induced power losses when turbines are located in close proximity. Wakes, characterize ...
In wind farms wind turbines are often placed close to each other. Each turbine generates a turbulent wake field, this field negatively affects subsequent turbines. This can cost more than 12% efficiency. To decrease this loss we can steer the turbines away from the wind direction ...
Automated asset trading is a crucial method used by financial entities such as investment firms or hedge funds. It allows them to allocate their capital in order to maximize their rate of returns. In scientific literature, there are multiple models suggested to solve this problem ...
One of the most challenging types of environments for a Deep Reinforcement Learning agent to learn in are those with sparse reward functions. There exist algorithms that are designed to perform well in settings with sparse rewards, but they are often applied to continuous state-a ...
The current state-of-the-art solutions for playing Chess, are created using deep reinforcement learning. AlphaZero, the current world champion, uses ’policy networks’ and ’value network’ for selecting moves and evaluating positions respectively. However, the training of these net ...