Multi Agent Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient for Active Wake Control

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In wind farms wind turbines are often placed close to each other. Each turbine generates a turbulent wake field, this field negatively affects subsequent turbines. This can cost more than 12% efficiency. To decrease this loss we can steer the turbines away from the wind direction, this will decrease the individual turbine power output, but can increase the total power output of the farm. As the size of the farm increases the number of possible actions increase exponentially. Due to this a numerical solution is not feasible. A reinforcement learning technique has been proven useful in the past, but a standard single agent implementation is still very computationally expensive. We evaluate the effectiveness of MADDPG on the active wake control problem. MADDPG is a multi agent reinforcement learning algorithm. MADDPG will be compared to the numerical solver FLORIS and to the already implemented and proven TD3 (which is a variation on a single agent DDPG algorithm). We compare the eventual output power of the algorithms with MADDPG. From the results we can see that MADDPG does improve on the learning performance of TD3, but since MADDPG needs to manage more neural networks the overhead is larger. MADDPG reaches an optimum solution in less training steps, but these steps take significantly more time.
