I. Langella
12 records found
The use of hydrogen in gas turbines is promising to help with the energy transition since there are no carbon-based pollutants released during its combustion. However, the transition from fossil fuels to hydrogen in gas turbines involves significant challenges. Hydrogen flames ex
The focus of this thesis is the preliminary design optimization and performance analysis of non-cavitating centrifugal turbopumps using a 1D lumped-parameter method. Centrifugal pumps are critical components in many engineering applications due to their high efficiency in convert
Diesel engines find application in a large number of sectors of modern industries, such as the automotive and maritime. The wide adoption of Diesel engines, along with the rise of environmental concerns created the needs for optimization of fuel efficiency and power output as wel
This research contributes to addressing climate change challenges through the examination of hydrogen combustion. It investigates the flow dynamics within a simplified model of Ansaldo Energia's GT36 reheat combustor using Large Eddy Simulation (LES) at a high pressure of 20 ...
To meet the goals of the Paris agreement,sustainable aviation fuels, such as hydrogen, need be adopted on a large scale within the coming decades. Hydrogen-assisted combustion of kerosene is investigated as an intermediate step in the transition towards susta ...
There is a need to examine the potential of alternative methods such as Variational Multiscale Method (VMM) for the ability to improve the efficiency of combustion simulations. However the computational expense of a LES run of a 3D turbulent non-premixed combustion problem is hig
The energy transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy sources is crucial for climate resilience. In particular, hydrogen combustion in gas turbine combustors is expected to play an essential role in the energy transition. Hence, a fuel-flexible gas turbine combustor operati
This thesis covers the experimental characterisation of a multi-nozzle research combustor capable of achieving flameless combustion (FC). The combustor is operated with methane as fuel and air as the oxidiser, under an overall lean equivalence ratio ranging from 0.6-0.9. The work
In reacting flows, detailed chemistry computations are usually avoided precomputing the thermochemical quantities as functions of a reduced set of variables such as the Flamelet Generated Manifold (FGM) approach[34]. Although it mitigates the calculations of detailed chemical mec
During a severe accident in a water-cooled nuclear power plant, large quantities of hydrogen can be generated in the reactor core. The hydrogen mixed with air presents a potential risk of combustion when the hydrogen concentration reaches flammability limits. If combustion occur
In the future, fossil fuels will be replaced by renewable sources. Hydrogen seems to be a promising energy carrier (fuel). A lot of research has been conducted on the combustion of hydrogen, but the effect of the high diffusivity of hydrogen compared to other species (differentia
Although significant strides have been made with regards to increasing the fuel economy of commercial passenger aircraft, the reduction of the environmental footprint remains of the utmost importance. The flow development over an aero-engine spinner will affect the velocity distr