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I. Langella

19 records found

This paper investigates water injection effects in a simplified Ansaldo GT36 reheat system under realistic conditions of 20 atm using large eddy simulation (LES) coupled with thickened flame modeling and adaptive mesh refinement. The water injection conditions are optimized by pe ...
The interplay between strain and preferential diffusion in lean premixed hydrogen flamelets is investigated numerically. Lean conditions are established at an equivalence ratio of 0.5. Detailed chemistry, one-dimensional simulations are performed on a reactants-to-products counte ...
In this work, we propose a data-driven framework to identify precursors of extreme events in turbulent reacting flows. Specifically, we tackle the problem of flashback prediction in a lean hydrogen reheat combustor. Our framework is composed of two parts. The first consists in th ...
Large eddy simulation (LES) paradigms are used in the present work to predict premixed and partially premixed turbulent flames with flamelets based thermochemistry and presumed filtered density function approach for turbulence-chemistry interaction modelling. The combustion model ...
This paper presents an investigation of the effects of water injection within a simplified version of the Ansaldo GT36 reheat system. The investigation is carried out under realistic operating conditions of 20 atm and using large eddy simulation (LES) coupled with the thickened f ...
Large eddy simulations (LES) with flamelet and presumed filtered density function closure are used to simulate turbulent premixed and partially premixed hydrogen flames. Different approaches to model differential diffusion are investigated and compared. In particular, two existin ...
Mixed convection of an electrically conductive fluid in a square duct with imposed transverse magnetic field is studied using Large Eddy Simulation (LES) paradigms. The duct walls are electrically conductive, with the wall conductivity parameter cw ranging from 0 to 0. ...
NOx formation in premixed, highly-strained, pure hydrogen-air flamelets is investigated at lean conditions. Detailed-chemistry, one-dimensional and two-dimensional simulations are performed on a reactants-to-products configuration with varying applied strain rate. The ...
A lean premixed ethylene-air flame in a backstep configuration is simulated on multiple grids using both direct numerical simulations (DNS) with reduced order kinetic mechanism and large eddy simulations (LES) with flamelet-based thermochemistry. The configuration includes prehea ...
In this study, the effects of water injection are analysed in a simplified geometry of a reheat combustor, which is based on a state of the art sequential reheat combustor from Ansaldo Energia. The inlet temperature of this burner and the chemical properties of hydrogen in terms ...
Turbulent structures in a concentric annular pipe within a uniform transverse magnetic field are examined for a liquid metal flow. Large-eddy simulations are performed to study the effect of magnetic field on turbulence suppression and heat transfer within this geometry. At the c ...
Large eddy simulation (LES) paradigms are employed to analyse the internal flow field of a lean premixed swirl-stabilized combustor with axial air injection at both non-reacting and reacting conditions, for a methane and a methane-hydrogen fuel mixture. The thickened flame combus ...
In gas turbines, combustor inlets are characterised by significant levels of unsteady circumferential distortion due to compressor wakes and secondary flows, together with additional radial non-uniformity induced by the adverse pressure gradients in the pre-diffuser. This can cau ...
Large eddy simulation is used to investigate the flashback mechanism caused by the combustion-induced vortex breakdown (CIVB) in a high-pressure lean-burn annular combustor with lean direct injection of kerosene. A single sector of the geometry, including a central pilot flame su ...
The physical mechanism leading to flame local extinction remains a key issue to be further understood. An analysis of large eddy simulation (LES) data with presumed probability density function (PDF) based closure (Chen et al., 2020, Combust. Flame, vol. 212, pp. 415) indicated t ...
Direct numerical simulations (DNS) of statistically planar flames at moderate and high Karlovitz number (Ka) have been used to perform an a priori evaluation of a presumed-PDF model approach for filtered reaction rate in the framework of large eddy simulation (LES) for different ...
Direct numerical simulations (DNS) of low and high Karlovitz number (Ka) flames are analysed to investigate the behaviour of the reactive scalar sub-grid scale (SGS) variance in premixed combustion under a wide range of combustion conditions (regimes). An order of magnitude analy ...
Subgrid correlation of mixture fraction, Z, and progress variable, c, is investigated using direct numerical dimulation (DNS) data of a hydrogen lifted jet flame. Joint subgrid behaviour of these two scalars are obtained using a Gaussian-type filter for a broad range of filter si ...
A study is conducted to identify advantages and limitations of existing large-eddy simulation (LES) closures for the subgrid-scale (SGS) kinetic energy using a database of direct numerical simulations (DNS). The analysis is conducted for both reacting and nonreacting flows, diffe ...