Numerical Investigations of a Trapped Vortex Hydrogen Burner

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The use of hydrogen in gas turbines is promising to help with the energy transition since there are no carbon-based pollutants released during its combustion. However, the transition from fossil fuels to hydrogen in gas turbines involves significant challenges. Hydrogen flames exhibit higher flame speed, making burners more prone to flashback, which in turn can cause damage by propagating upstream into the premixing sections. To avoid this type of failure, it is necessary to understand the different mechanisms that can cause flame flashback in gas turbines and develop strategies to help reduce the flashback tendency of hydrogen flames. The FlameSheet™ burner, originally developed by Power Systems Manufacturing (PSM), is a two-stage burner that can be used with fuels having high content of hydrogen. The geometry of the main stage includes a 180-degree bend (U-bend). This feature, which abruptly changes the flow direction of the air-fuel mixture, creates a trapped vortex which helps in stabilizing the flame in the main stage. Such a design makes the burner more resistant to flame flashback.

In this thesis, a numerical study is done on an academic trapped vortex burner, inspired by the FlameSheet™ design using Ansys Fluent. Initially, a cold flow simulation of the flow inside the main stage of the burner was performed using RANS. This was followed by a parametric study (using RANS) of the cold flow patterns while varying several parameters like the shape of the inner liner tip, channel height ratio and the distance between the tip and outer wall of the U-bend. From these results, useful insights were gained by analyzing and comparing the velocity profiles in different parts of the U-bend. To gain more information from some of the relevant cases, large eddy simulations (LES) were used. With the LES results, two-point correlations and cumulative distribution functions of the velocity field were made to describe the cold flow behaviour in the main stage of the burner. These results confirmed that the tip shape and its distance from the U-bend are significant parameters since they affect the velocity profile in the boundary layers of the flow. This change in the velocity profile of its boundary layer can alter the flashback tendency of hydrogen flames in the burner. Along with these cold flow simulations, a reactive simulation was also performed with the original geometry of the trapped vortex burner to understand the flow features inside, in the presence of a flame. Super adiabatic flame temperature and non-uniform diffusion of hydrogen into the flame were observed at various points in the flame.


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