M.J. de Vries
18 records found
Wiskundige problemen leren oplossen in "Thinking Classrooms"
Het verbeteren van de lespraktijk met individuele werkbladen en het stimuleren van reflecties
Hoewel het probleemoplossen in het wiskundecurriculum is opgenomen, hebben docenten vaak behoefte aan meer praktische ondersteuning bij het onderwijzen ervan. De recent in het Nederlands gepubliceerde didactiek ”Building Thinking Classrooms” van Peter Liljedahl met daarin veertie
Eyes on the Tracks: Train Driver Acceptance of Driver Condition Monitoring Systems
Exploring how to Promote Acceptance in the Design of an Alertness Feedback System based on Eye Measurements
Train drivers are challenged to stay alert during train driving, for a big part due to the limited amount of tasks, and monotony of tasks. Driver condition monitoring (DCM) is a technology that involves measuring the driver’s alertness state in real-time, in which use of eye-base
This study examines which factors in the behaviour of math teachers in their contact with high school students contribute to the developing, worsening or alleviating of math anxiety during mathematics activities.
The study was conducted in the form of a survey involving $888 ...
The study was conducted in the form of a survey involving $888 ...
Dit onderzoek beoogt de veelal overheersende productgerichte focus van leerlingen in het wiskundeonderwijs te verschuiven naar een procesgerichte focus. Hiertoe is een Hypothetical Teaching and Learning Trajectory (HTLT) ontworpen waarin volgens een iteratief proces onderzocht is
Peer assessment in high school mathematics class
Using peer assessment as formative assessment
Peer assessment (PA) is a process that involves students assessing each other’s work and providing their peers with (elaborated) feedback. This thesis investigates how an elaborated form of formative PA can be implemented in the mathematics class to promote students’ achievement
Collaboration could improve cyber resilience
A Community of Practice approach in the Rotterdam port area
Our world is becoming increasingly more digital, but its security has not catched up yet. Therefore, cyber security is becoming ever more important and needs to be improved. This improvement can be made by increasing collaboration and knowledge exchange. A Community of Practice (
The missing link in adaptive delta management
Insights on the potential of pumps in reducing flood risk under sea level rise and adaptive social learning to improve decision-making in the Rhine-Meuse estuary
Decision-makers in low-lying coastal zones are confronted with uncertain developments around flood risk.These drivers are surrounded by large uncertainties, which requires delta management to be adaptive. This research offers insights about adaptive delta management for the Rhine
Expectation management for innovation processes within highly institutionalized environments
A framework for analyzing the organizational consequences of blockchain technology on the legitimacy of banks, and strategic approaches to manage these effects from a communication perspective
This project has researched the consequences of blockchain technology on the
expected future role of banks. And furthermore, how banks can respond to these effects to improve the innovation strategy and remain their future relevance.
expected future role of banks. And furthermore, how banks can respond to these effects to improve the innovation strategy and remain their future relevance.
Algorithms are all around us. Based on large amounts of data and through automated decision-making processes, they increasingly exercise power over us. As a way of governing this power, we should be able to hold these algorithms and those responsible for implementing them account
Enthusiastic connectors
Existing and desired professional profiles of practitioners of patient organizations as knowledge brokers within research projects with patient participation.
Patients are becoming more involved in scientific projects, as evaluators, advisors or partners of academic researchers. From a science communication perspective, these experiences are a fascinating laboratory about the challenges of knowledge sharing and exchange between stakeho
Technical and value obstacles faced by Building with Nature flood defence solutions
A case study on technical feasibility in relation to value conflict in Building with Nature flood defence solutions for the Houtribdijk reinforcement project
Building with Nature (BwN) is a relatively novel way of thinking for flood protection. Unlike traditional flood protection solutions that are poised to bring forces of nature to a halt, the BwN’s philosophy is to use natural dynamic processes for engineering advantage as a protec
Modelling Midstream Modulation in Medical Technology
An investigation of communication characteristics and effectiveness
The study is the first to describe and model the dynamics and characteristics of communication during midstream modulation. A meta-model of seven communication traditions is deployed to frame the nature of communication. The study also validates the effectiveness of midstream mod
Towards effective heat transition policy in South-Holland
Comparing a local market driven approach and a regional plan driven approach for the design of the low-temperature heating system in South-Holland, and exploring Q-methodology to design a process of collective learning and decision making between residents and municipalities
“Heating and cooling remain neglected areas of energy policy and technology, but their decarbonisation is a fundamental element of a low-carbon economy.” (IEA, 2012). In The Netherlands the total heat demand needs to be reduced and the heat provision needs to become more sustain
In the Netherlands a task-force, supported by the institute of curriculum development, Stichting Leerplan Ontwikkeling (SLO), has been assembled to define core objectives and learning goals for digital literacy that are to be finalized by 2019. The SLO defined digital literacy wi
Following the perspective of the European Horizon 2020 project ‘NUCLEUS’, Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) should be brought to life in universities and scientific institutions. This study acts as one of the mobile nuclei of the NUCLEUS project, with the goal to operatio
The transfer of a patient's medical data between healthcare professionals is sometimes needed to take relevant aspects of the patient's health into account to offer fitting care for the specific patient. A patient's medical data is stored in the systems of the different healthcar
Thinking in network terms
Brain functional networks in migraine and the analogy with the patient's social network
Much is still unknown about the cause of migraine attacks in the brain. Similarly, a lot is unclear about the influence of patient-physician communication on migraine outcomes. An analogy between the migraine brain and the migraine patient by means of network analysis was therefo
Interference and collaboration in the Dutch energy system
A methodology to analyse interference between policy measures, and a system perspective on interorganizational collaboration between public organizations
The energy system is a complex socio-technical system, characterised by a multitude of stakeholders, different goals, long-term investments, and large scale sub systems with long lifetimes. The government of the Netherlands aims to support the transition of the energy system of t