175 records found


Ambient intelligent applications require applications to recognise user activity calmly in the background, typically by instrumentation of environments. In contrast, we propose the concept of Cooperative Artefacts (CAs) to instrument single artefacts that cooperate with each o ...

Ubicomp education

Current status and future directions

The authors organized a workshop on education at the Ubicomp 2003 conference in Seattle, Washington in October12, 2003. This paper reports on the results of that workshop. The intention is to provide a more concrete basis for discussion of ubicomp education at subsequent forum ...

Cooperative artefacts

Assessing real world situations with embedded technology

Ubiquitous computing is giving rise to applications that interact very closely with activity in the real world, usually involving instrumentation of environments. In contrast, we propose Cooperative Artefacts that are able to cooperatively assess their situation in the world, ...

This paper presents a low-cost and practical approach to achieve basic input using a tactile cube-shaped object, augmented with a set of sensors, processor, batteries and wireless communication. The algorithm we propose combines a finite state machine model incorporating prior kn ...

Wearable communities

Augmenting social networks with wearable computers

The significant aspects of WearCom design methodology that permits rapid prototyping of wearable communites to facilitate community building are discussed. Wearable communities enhance personal computing with continuously worn, intelligent assistants that augment memory, intellec ...

In this paper we describe the design and architecture of an adaptive proactive environment in which information, which reflects the communal interests of current inhabitants, is proactively displayed on large-scale public displays. Adaptation is achieved through implicit commu ...


An experiment in peer-to-peer infomediation

We describe the architecture and the implementation of Multishelf-a decentralized peer-to-peer infomediator. Multishelf was designed and built during a ten-week senior software methodology course using the Proem peer-to-peer platform. We discuss the infomediation problem, pres ...

The combination of personal mobile devices and mobile ad hoc networks for mobile collaboration was discussed. The possible application scenarios include informal social interactions in public places, opportunistic meetings in office settings and educational multi-user applicat ...


A middleware platform for mobile peer-to-peer computing

When peer-to-peer comes face-to-face

Collaborative peer-to-peer computing in mobile ad-hoc networks

This paper motivates and describes the notion of mobile ad-hoc information systems. Such a system consists of a decentralized and self-organizing network of autonomous, mobile devices that interact as peers. Connectivity is determined by distance between devices; as hosts chan ...

The situations in which human-computer interaction takes place are increasingly varied, as computers become highly portable and embedded in everyday environments. Research reported from different communities (Wearable Computing, Mobile Computing, HCI, CSCW, Augmented Reality) ind ...

This paper describes a framework for managing and distributing trust information in a community of mobile and wearable computer users. Trust information in the form of reputations are used to aid users during their social interactions with the rest of the community.


Close encounters

Supporting mobile collaboration through interchange of user profiles

This paper introduces the notion of profile-based cooperation as a way to support awareness and informal communication between mobile users during chance encounters. We describe the design of Proem, a wearable system for profile-based cooperation that enables users to publish ...

This paper reports on an empirical study aimed at evaluating the utility of a reality-augmenting telepointer in a wearable videoconference system. Results show that using this telepointer a remote expert can effectively guide and direct a field worker's manual activities. By a ...

When cyborgs meet

Building communities of cooperating wearable agents

This paper introduces the notion of a Wearable Community as a group of wearable users who cooperate for their mutual benefit. In such a community, wearable computers act as personal agents on behalf of and in the interest of their 'owners'. These agents are goal-directed and will ...


The design of a collaborative wearable computer system

This paper presents a wearable groupware system designed to enhance the communication and cooperation of highly mobile network technicians. It provides technicians in the field with the capabilities for real-time audio-conferencing, transmission of video images back to the office ...

This paper presents a collaborative wearable system based on the notion of remote sensing. Remote sensing lets users of wearable or stationary computers perceive a remote environment through the sensors of a remote wearable computer. We describe a concrete system with remote s ...

This paper describes a wearable computing system for monitoring and controlling of 'intelligent' environments. The main components of the system are (1) an open, expandable service model for the description of functionality provided by environments; (2) a self-Adapting wearabl ...

There is a growing interest in a class of systems having dynamic and adaptable properties. In this paper we discuss our work on one subclass of such systems, that of wearable computers. In particular, our interest is in the software organization necessary to build wearable comput ...