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15 records found


Envisioning Contestability Loops

Evaluating the Agonistic Arena as a Generative Metaphor for Public AI

Public sector organizations increasingly use artificial intelligence to augment, support, and automate decision-making. However, such public AI can potentially infringe on citizens’ right to autonomy. Contestability is a system quality that protects against this by ensuring sy ...

Contestable Artificial Intelligence

Constructive design research for public artificial intelligence systems that are open and responsive to dispute

This thesis investigates the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in public policy execution. To contribute to preserving citizen autonomy, it introduces the concept of ‘contestability’—a system quality that ensures citizens retain control over their lives in the face of AI system ...

Envisioning Contestability Loops

Evaluating the Agonistic Arena as a Generative Metaphor for Public AI

Public sector organizations increasingly use artificial intelligence to augment, support, and automate decision-making. However, such public AI can potentially infringe on citizens’ right to autonomy. Contestability is a system quality that protects against this by ensuring syste ...

Envisioning Contestability Loops

Evaluating the Agonistic Arena as a Generative Metaphor for Public AI

Public sector organizations increasingly use artificial intelligence to augment, support, and automate decision-making. However, such public AI can potentially infringe on citizens’ right to autonomy. Contestability is a system quality that protects against this by ensuring syste ...

Contestable Camera Cars

A Speculative Design Exploration of Public AI That Is Open and Responsive to Dispute

Local governments increasingly use artificial intelligence (AI) for automated decision-making. Contestability, making systems responsive to dispute, is a way to ensure they respect human rights to autonomy and dignity. We investigate the design of public urban AI systems for cont ...

Tensions in transparent urban AI

Designing a smart electric vehicle charge point

The increasing use of artificial intelligence (AI) by public actors has led to a push for more transparency. Previous research has conceptualized AI transparency as knowledge that empowers citizens and experts to make informed choices about the use and governance of AI. Conver ...

Contestable AI by Design

Towards a Framework

As the use of AI systems continues to increase, so do concerns over their lack of fairness, legitimacy and accountability. Such harmful automated decision-making can be guarded against by ensuring AI systems are contestable by design: responsive to human intervention throughout t ...
The increasing use of algorithmic decision-making systems in the public realm and in citieshas led to an urgent call for more transparencyand accountability. While recent work in algorith-mic fairness and human-centred ML has exploredways to include the concerns of peop ...
The increasing use of algorithms in cities has come under scrutiny. Transparency is widely seen as a way to ensure their fairness and accountability. We investigate how al- gorithmic transparency helps citizens understand smart electric vehicle charge points and how its conceptio ...



Evaluating Houseboat Residents’ Perception of Vessel Traffic-generated Nuisance in Amsterdam

This graduation project explored the environmental nuisances experienced by houseboat residents in Amsterdam due to vessel traffic. The findings show that the experience of nuisance is influenced by both contextual factors (such as past experiences, type of boat, time, and locati ...

Absurdist chatbots

A Pataphysical Exploration of Trustworthy AI

In an era dominated by technological solutionism, artificial intelligence (AI) is often seen as a quick fix for complex problems. Inspired by the surrealist notion of pataphysics, this graduation project employs a novel, critical design approach to address the imaginary problem o ...

Agonistic Machine Vision Development

A Tangible Approach to Involving Citizens in the Development Phase of Machine Vision Systems for Scan Cars

As more smart city technologies are being developed, more attention should be directed on how to include citizens to align such technology with public values and facilitate contestability. This involvement can take place during different phases. To ensure the legitimacy of a mach ...
Roads are currently governed by relatively static rules communicated via road signs, road surface markings and navigation apps. However they could also be dynamic, allowing road space to be allocated for a multitude of activities over time. The Code the Streets project envisions ...

You have nothing to fear if you have nothing to hide?

Designing a tour that enables citizens of Utrecht to critically reflect about the collection and use of their personal data and its privacy consequences within the smart city

In 2008 more than 50 percent of all people, 3.3 billion people, lived in urban areas according to the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA - United Nations Population Fund, n.d.). By 2030 this will be approximately 5 billion (Lea, 2017). On the one hand, with fast urban growth a ...
The Smart Bench is a speculative design aiming to create critical awareness about the social implications of Data-driven Nudging in the Smart City. The project originated from a critical perspective on Smart City as a leading urban development paradigm. Many cities labelling them ...
For data-intensive research, Wi-Fi access data has become an important source since it’s low-cost, convenient and rich in information. It is mainly used to study people’s movement and then used to infer individuals’ or a group of people’s behavior pattern. The application of the ...