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L. Scholten

18 records found

Sustaining the Flow

Modeling Water Reuse Strategies in Dutch Water Sector

Water scarcity is an escalating global challenge, driven by climate change, population growth, and increasing economic demands. Traditional water management systems, built on linear extraction and disposal models, are proving inadequate in addressing the growing mismatch between ...

Investigating the factors influencing the implementation of green roofs by Housing Associations in Amsterdam

Organisational analysis with the behaviour change wheel and theoretical domains framework

Climate change poses significant challenges to urban areas, necessitating innovative solutions to enhance resilience and sustainability. This research explores the adoption of green roofs by housing associations in Amsterdam, a city highly vulnerable to climate change impacts suc ...

For Whose Benefit?

Mixed Methods Research on the Presence of Self-interested and Other-regarding Preferences in a Participatory Value Evaluation on Public Transport Investments in the Netherlands

Motivation of companies to join climate action

An agent-based modelling approach

: There has been a growing number of companies that join, commit and set targets to the Science-Based Targets initiative in recent years. This thesis explores how factors which were found in previous studies to influence the companies’ decision to join SBTi or climate action in g ...

A possible solution to the shared mobility problem

An exploration of a shared bicycle system for different user groups

The number of cars is increasing in the Netherlands, while the need for space and environmental regulations is increasing as well. The need for new mobility solutions is high. A shared bicycle system could be an indirect solution to these problems, by strengthening the chain jour ...
India, a predominantly rural country, relies on agriculture, with smallholder farmers owning a small portion of cultivable land. Maharashtra, a major cotton-growing region, faces water scarcity and drought events, leading to low crop yields and farmer indebtedness, followed by hi ...

Risk-Based Sewer Asset Management

A case study assessing the risk of sewer collapse in Nissewaard, the Netherlands

This thesis examines the implementation of risk-based sewer asset management, with a specific focus on addressing the existing shortcomings in current practices. Notably, the neglect of sewer failure risks often leads to suboptimal allocation of resources. The primary aim of this ...
At a time when India experiences rapidly rising living standards, while facing increasing sustainability challenges, decoupling economic growth from the increase in energy consumption is a critical challenge. Energy efficiency solutions in the residential sector have an important ...

Improving policy design: The behavioural levers of work-life balance policies in the Netherlands

A case study of the behavioural levers of work-life balance policies for Dutch households with young children

Serious gaming to support the adoption of sustainable drainage solutions

A serious game to educate citizens about private household SuDS

There is an urgent need for urban environments to be more flood resilient. The public can participate in addressing this by adopting household sustainable drainage solutions (SuDS). However, their lack of knowledge and awareness is a barrier. This paper presents an educational s ...
Despite their best intentions, policy interventions often fail to adequately address the challenges they were designed to tackle. Disparities in scope, taxonomy and performance perspectives employed by different policy studies, make it difficult to obtain a system perspective of ...

Verdeling en verdeeldheid in het afvalwatertransportsysteem

Een analyse over de kostenverdeling tussen waterschappen en gemeenten

In 1972 the Union of Waterboards and the Association of Dutch Municipalities drew up a directive to give waterboards and municipalities a guideline in how to divide tasks and costs in the new situations that were the result of the Pollution of Surface Waters Act, decreed in 1970. ...

Transitioning to a sustainable urban water future in the Netherlands

How decision-making processes and institutional factors contribute to climate adaptation in urban drainage systems

This thesis aims to understand if decision-making processes and institutional factors in Dutch municipalities hinder or enable the implementation of climate adaptation measures in urban drainage systems, and consequently climate adaptation efforts in the Netherlands. Interview ...
In Ethiopia, rainfall variability and changes in rainfall patterns, induced by climate change, could increase the frequency and occurrence of floods and droughts. Due to smallholder farmers in the Gumera sub-basin, Ethiopia, mostly relying on rainfed agriculture, climatic changes ...

Getting a better grip on sanitation systems

Introducing a numerical model to identify, predict and mitigate hazardous events and measure the safety of on-site sanitation systems

Of the world's population, 59% of the people are not connected to a sewer system and use on-site sanitation (OSS) systems. A large amount of these systems is unsafe. The ultimate goal of this research is to gain knowledge on manners to improve and monitor the safety of on-site sa ...

Sponge Design

A Study on Comprehensive Sponge City Design Approach

Water is cherished as treasure in traditional Chinese culture and expected to stay in harmony with human. However, the disharmony between water and urban life is looming especially after over thirty-year rapid urbanization in China with notable global climate change. Faced with w ...
In Indonesia, river pollution due to inorganic solid waste has become an enormous issue. This article explores the (re)production of relations between communities, river and inorganic solid waste in the Surabaya River Basin. It does so by analysing activities based on interviews, ...

The role of behavioural willingness on mitigating saltwater intrusion in the Vietnamese Mekong Delta

Combining socioeconomic data with groundwater simulations using Bayesian Belief Networks

Fresh water resources in coastal areas are under intense pressure from groundwater consuming activities, sea level rise and extreme weather events, which effectively amplify salt water intrusion (SWI) into coastal freshwater aquifers. Literature on SWI describe the effects of SWI ...