Circular Image

O.A. Soloviev

73 records found

We present a novel problem formulation for model-free data-driven fault diagnosis, in which possible faults are diagnosed simultaneously to identifying the linear time-invariant system. This problem is practically relevant for systems whose model cannot be identified reliably pri ...
We propose to use the State Estimation by Sum-of-Norms Regularisation (STATESON-)algorithm for recovering the tip-sample interaction in high-speed tapping mode atomic force microscopy (AFM). This approach enables accurate sample height estimation for each independent cantilever o ...
Model-based fault diagnosis for dynamical systems is a sophisticated task due to model inaccuracies, measurement noise and many possible fault scenarios. By presenting faults in terms of a dictionary, the latter obstacle is recently addressed using well-known techniques for recov ...
Some applications require high level of image-based classification certainty while keeping the total illumination energy as low as possible. Examples are minimally invasive visual inspection in Industry 4.0, and medical imaging systems such as computed tomography, in which the ra ...
Model-based fault diagnosis for dynamical systems is a sophisticated task due to model inaccuracies, measurement noise and many possible fault scenarios. By presenting faults in terms of a dictionary, the latter obstacle is recently addressed using well-known techniques for recov ...

Phase retrieval from overexposed PSF

A projection-based approach

We investigate the general adjustment of projection-based phase retrieval algorithms for use with saturated data. In the phase retrieval problem, model fidelity of experimental data containing a non-zero background level, fixed pattern noise, or overexposure, often presents a ser ...
Single-molecule localization microscopy (SMLM) enables the high-resolution visualization of organelle structures and the precise localization of individual proteins. However, the expected resolution is not achieved in tissue as the imaging conditions deteriorate. Sample-induced a ...


Single-objective lens inclined light sheet localization microscopy

High-NA light sheet illumination can improve the resolution of single-molecule localization microscopy (SMLM) by reducing the background fluorescence. These approaches currently require custom-made sample holders or additional specialized objectives, which makes the sample mounti ...
We demonstrate a novel closed-loop input design technique on the detection of particles in an imaging system such as a fluorescence microscope. The probability of misdiagnosis is minimized while constraining the input energy such that for instance phototoxicity is reduced. The ke ...
We have applied a combination of blind deconvolution and deep learning to the processing of Shack-Hartmann images.By using the intensity information contained in spot positions, and the fine structure of the separate images created by the lenslets,we have increased the sensitivit ...
We develop for the first time a mathematical framework in which the class of projection algorithms can be applied to high numerical aperture (NA) phase retrieval. Within this framework, we first analyze the basic steps of solving the high-NA phase retrieval problem by projection ...
This manuscript presents an improvement of state-of-the-art Closed-Loop Active Model Diagnosis (CLAMD). The proposed method utilizes weighted Bhattacharyya coefficients evaluated at the vertices of the polytopic constraint set to provide a good trade-off between computational eff ...
This paper presents a computationally efficient framework in which a single focal-plane image is used to obtain a high-resolution reconstruction of dynamic aberrations. Assuming small-phase aberrations, a non-linear Kalman filter implementation is developed whose computational co ...
We present the convergence analysis of convex combination of the alternating projection and Douglas–Rachford operators for solving the phase retrieval problem. New convergence criteria for iterations generated by the algorithm are established by applying various schemes of numeri ...
This paper discusses various practical problems arising in the design and simulation of predictive control methods for adaptive optics. Although there has been increased attention towards optimal prediction and control methods for AO systems, they are often tested in simplified s ...
We consider the extension of the traditional projection-based phase retrieval algorithms by increasing the problem dimensionality and introducing novel projection operators. The approach is demonstrated on an example of phase retrieval for the high-NA case.@en
We present an efficient phase retrieval approach for imaging systems with high numerical aperture based on the vectorial model of the point spread function. The algorithm is in the class of alternating minimization methods and can be adjusted for applications with either known or ...
In theory of optical aberrations, an aberrated wavefront is represented by its coefficients in some orthogonal basis, for instance by Zernike polynomials. However, many wavefront measurement techniques implicitly approximate the gradient of the wavefront by the gradients of the b ...
Inhomogeneities in the refractive index of a biological microscopy sample can introduce phase aberrations, severely impairing the quality of images. Adaptive optics can be employed to correct for phase aberrations and improve image quality. However, conventional adaptive optics c ...
In this Letter, we report on an algorithm and its implementation to reconstruct the wavefront as a continuous function from a bitmap image of the Hartmann–Shack pattern. The approach works with arbitrary raster geometry and does not require explicit spot definition and phase unwr ...