Jing Xiao
6 records found
With the emerging wide bandgap (WBG) semiconductor development, the increasing power density and efficiency of power electronic converters may cause more switching oscillation, electromagnetic interference noise, and additional power loss, further increasing the probability of de
A novel terahertz modulator based on graphene is proposed and designed. The device consists of a silicon ridge covered by a graphene sheet. The transmission properties of the proposed structure demonstrate that the introduction of graphene can improve the switching and filtering
The mechanical and electronic properties of two GaN crystals, wurtzite and zinc-blende GaN, under various hydrostatic pressures were investigated using first principles calculations. The results show that the lattice constants of the two GaN crystals calculated in this study are
The slot waveguide has attracted considerable attention because of its ability to confine and guide electromagnetic energy at the subwavelength scale beyond the diffraction limit. We propose a novel terahertz slot waveguide structure to achieve a better tradeoff between propagati
The sensing properties of pristine, B-, Al-, Si-, and S-doped blue phosphorus (BP) monolayer to nitric oxide (NO) are theoretically investigated using density functional theory and non-equilibrium Green's function method. We systematically discuss the concentration effect, sensin
The emerging field of nanophotonics requires plasmonic devices to be fully compatible with semiconductor fabrication techniques. However, very few feasible practical structures exist at present. Here, we propose a CMOS-compatible hybrid plasmonic slot waveguide (HPSW) with enhanc