Z.J. Taylor
29 records found
The urbanization of climate finance
Understanding for urban action
Understandings of climate finance are in flux today in politically urgent ways, posing timely questions for critical urban scholarship and practice. The term climate finance came prominently into use as a point of contention in United Nations Conference of Parties (COP) debates o
The Restless Urban Landscape of Housing Financialization
Geographies of Residential Real Estate Investment Trust Expansion in Germany and the United States
The expansion of Residential Real Estate Investment Trusts (R-REITs) represents an important frontier in the financialization of housing and cities. This paper advances the literature on institutional real estate investment and corporate landlordism by analyzing how and where the
An actuarial tool first widely used by property re/insurers plays an increasingly important role in shaping the governance of urban futures: the catastrophe risk model. “Cat models” bring together a wide array of data on natural hazards (i.e. hurricane winds, floods), building co
Home insurance markets in the United States are experiencing a mounting crisis. Worsening climate disasters like more intense hurricanes, wildfires, and hailstorms are making multi-billion-dollar payouts an annual occurrence, hitting a broad range of US states. Insurance protecti
In US cities, drives to secure property value against climate risks have become a preoccupation for mainstream climate finance. This real property bias sidelines non-owners and inhabitants of historically marginalized housing types, limiting their capacity to prepare for and reco
The housing game that supports governments and residents in joining efforts for climate action
Shared Fates
A Housing Resilience Policy Vision for the Home Insurance Crisis
Every year, more people across the United States experience climate disasters, forcing them to leave their homes, lose their belongings, and be separated from jobs and family. Meanwhile, home insurance markets are in a mounting crisis– and leaving people across the country behind
The Re-Risking State
The Limits of Property Insurance in Florida
Florida’s property insurance market is in crisis. Many of the Sunshine State’s insurers are raising rates or pulling out of communities, zip code by zip code. The average Florida homeowners insurance premium rose to nearly $11,000 in 2023, with notably higher rates in coastal Sou
Klimaatverandering zorgt tal van nieuwe risico’s voor gebouwen en infrastructuur. Het in kaart brengen van deze klimaatrisico’s is in volle gang, maar de betrouwbaarheid van de beoordelingen die hieruit volgen laat te wensen over en dit maakt de handelingsbasis beperkt. Dat concl
Risk-Rating and Networked Authority
A Climate Leviathan in Formation?
Credit rating agencies like Moody's have amassed vast datasets about scale and distribution of climate risk. The proprietary "expertise" derived from this data increasingly guides how both governments and financial institutions respond to the crisis.@en
Reflecting on the limits of the sovereign-state centricity of mainstream contemporary climate action, Peter Taylor calls for new forms of regional geographical analysis and intervention. What might these aims and ambitions look and feel like for geographers? With this commentary,
In Real Estate Investment We Trust
State De-Risking and the Ownership of Listed US and German Residential Real Estate Investment Trusts
Real estate investment trusts (REITs) have been around since 1960 but have only become major players in housing markets in the last twenty years. The current and ongoing wave of residential REIT (R-REIT) expansion has attracted significant scholarly and broader public interest.
Interrupted rhythms and uncertain futures
Mortgage finance and the (spatio-) temporalities of climate breakdown
As intensifying climate-related disasters strike cities across the United States, they are provoking rising concern for the stability of the U.S. housing market and broader financial system. How homeowners, mortgage lenders, federal institutions/regulators, and investors will var
This conceptual and exploratory research study investigates, systematically and holistically, climate-adaptive spatial design interventions for high-density informal urban areas in hot arid climates, which remain understudied despite their vulnerability to heat stress and the hea
Meebewegen met water: Economisch rationeel?
Adaptieve migratie door een economisch-geografische lens
Meebewegen met het water, in de meest extreme vorm door adaptieve migratie, werpt vanuit economisch-geografisch perspectief een aantal belangrijke vragen op met betrekking tot agglomeratievoordelen, plaatsgebonden beleid en mobiliteit. Eerder onderzoek naar grootschalige verplaat
How will climate change and its governance redraw maps of financial flows across the world, and with what implications for whom? Can the resources needed for decarbonization and adaptation to already‐arriving climate impacts be mustered at the scale and rate needed to mitigate so
Financing “climate-proof” housing?
The premises and pitfalls of PACE finance in Florida
Amidst growing concerns about climate risks to the U.S. housing markets, strategies to physically retrofit homes are gaining attention—including within debates over how to resolve intersecting crises of housing re/insurability and affordability in highly exposed sites like Florid
De watersnood in Limburg en Brabant. Het IPCC-rapport. De klimaattop in Glasgow. Afgelopen jaar is andermaal bevestigd dat klimaatverandering een urgent mondiaal probleem is dat Nederland bij uitstek raakt. Onderzoekers Tom Daamen en Zac Taylor doordenken wat dit voor gebiedsontw
The Relational Urban Geographies of Re/insurance
Florida Hurricane Wind Risk and the Making of Singapore’s Catastrophe Finance Hub
Re/insurance plays a multifaceted and increasingly powerful role in the expansion of financialised forms of climate risk governance. While re/insurance markets are global(-ising), they are also geographically uneven, contingent, and provisional. This chapter reflects on this tens