Damir Brdjanovic
7 records found
Sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB) can beneficially be applied to domestic wastewater treatment. In general, formed sulfide will stay in liquid phase, resulting in an elevated sulfide content, which might have inhibiting effects on the SRB. To study effects of environmental conditio
P-limitation in enhanced biological phosphorus removal (EBPR) systems fed with acetate, has generally been considered as a condition leading to enrichment of organisms of the genotype’ Candidatus Competibacter phosphatis’ expressing the glycogen-accumulating organisms (GAO) pheno
Más de mil millones de personas en las áreas urbanas y peri-urbanas de África, Asia y América utilizan tecnologías descentralizadas de saneamiento. Hasta ahora se ha descuidado tremendamente el manejo de los lodos fecales producidos por estas tecnologías. Los recursos financieros
Faecal Sludge Management
System Approach for Implementation and Operation
It is estimated that literally billions of residents in urban and peri-urban areas of Africa, Asia, and Latin America are served by onsite sanitation systems (e.g. various types of latrines and septic tanks). Until recently, the management of faecal sludge from these onsite syste