29 records found
Potential for beneficial application of sulfate reducing bacteria in sulfate containing domestic wastewater treatment
Effects of chemical oxygen demand, nutrients and salinity on sulfate-reducing bacteria
Occurrence and activity of sulphate reducing bacteria in aerobic activated sludge systems
A review of biological sulfate conversions in wastewater treatment
Simultaneous nitrogen and phosphorus removal in the sulfur cycle-associated enhanced biological phosphorus removal (EBPR) process
Temperature effect on acetate and propionate consumption by sulfate-reducing bacteria in saline wastewater
An exploratory study on seawater-catalysed urine phosphorus recovery (SUPR)
Industrial flue gas desulfurization waste may offer an opportunity to facilitate SANI-R application for significant sludge minimization in freshwater wastewater treatment
Sulfide based denitrification in the SANI process
A new biological phosphorus removal process in association with sulfur cycle
Granulation of autotrophic denitrifying sludge in SANIA process
An innovative triple water supply system and a novel SANI process to alleviate water shortage and pollution problem for water-scarce coastal areas in China
Integration of seawater and grey water reuse to maximize alternative water resource for coastal areas: the case of the Hong Kong International Airport
SANI-R process realizes sustainable saline sewage treatment: Steady state model-based evaluation of the pilot-scale trial of the process
Phosphorus release and uptake during start-up of a covered and non-aerated sequencing batch reactor with separate feeding of VFA and sulfate
The demonstration of a novel sulfur cycle-based wastewater treatment process: Sulfate reduction, autotrophic denitrification, and nitrification integrated (SANI-R) biological nitrogen removal process
Pilot scale evaluation of SANI-R process for sludge minimization and greenhouse gas reduction in saline sewage treatment
Urine nitrification and sewer discharge to realize in-sewer denitrification to simplify sewage treatment in Hong Kong
Microbial community of sulfate-reducing up-flow sludge bed in the SANI-R process for saline sewage treatment
Fecal coliform removal in a sulfate reduction, autotrophic denitrification and nitrification integrated (SANI) process for saline sewage treatment