Linda Strande

7 records found


Gestion des Boues de Vidange

Approche intégrée pour la mise en æuvre et l'exploitation

Plus d'un milliard de personnes dans les zones urbaines et périurbaines d'Afrique, d'Asie et d'Amérique latine sont desservies par des dispositifs d'assainissement à la parcelle. La gestion des boues extraites de ces dispositifs, les « boues de vidange », a été jusqu'à présent gr ...
Más de mil millones de personas en las áreas urbanas y peri-urbanas de África, Asia y América utilizan tecnologías descentralizadas de saneamiento. Hasta ahora se ha descuidado tremendamente el manejo de los lodos fecales producidos por estas tecnologías. Los recursos financieros ...

Faecal Sludge Management

System Approach for Implementation and Operation

It is estimated that literally billions of residents in urban and peri-urban areas of Africa, Asia, and Latin America are served by onsite sanitation systems (e.g. various types of latrines and septic tanks). Until recently, the management of faecal sludge from these onsite syste ...


Non-sewered sanitation systems have emerged as a valuable complement to sewered systems over the past two decades. Their importance is pronounced in urban areas of low- and middle-income countries, where they could prevent ~600,000 deaths annually by supplementing inadequate sani ...
One-third of the global population relies on non-sewered sanitation. In urban areas of low-and-middle income countries, treatment of faecal sludge is often insufficient. On-site sanitation technologies can provide sustainable and more affordable sanitation solutions for urban are ...
Faecal sludge management is recognized globally as an essential component of city-wide inclusive sanitation. However, a major gap in developing appropriate and adequate management and monitoring for faecal sludge is the ability to understand and predict the characteristics and vo ...