Dana M. Borsa

15 records found

In our efforts to address the issues of Si based anodes for Li ion batteries, such as limited active mass loading, rapid capacity degradation and low scalability in manufacturing, we reported a scalable, high mass loading, and additive-free Si nanoparticles (NP) deposition based ...
Nanostructured silicon has been intensively investigated as a high capacity Li-ion battery anode. However, the commercial introduction still requires advances in the scalable synthesis of sophisticated Si nanomaterials and electrodes. Moreover, the electrode degradation due to vo ...
A detailed structural analysis of Mg-Ti-H thin films reveals the presence of a chemically partially segregated but structurally coherent metastable phase. By combining X-Ray Diffraction and Extended X-ray Absorption Fine Structure (EXAFS) spectroscopy on MgyTi1-y< ...
The reflection and transmission spectra of Pd capped Mgy Ti1 - y thin films (y = 0.7, 0.8 and 0.9) are measured in the 0.5-5.5 eV energy range, both in the as-prepared and hydrogenated states. Upon hydrogenation these films switch reversibly from a shiny met ...
X-Ray diffraction and electrochemical (de)hydrogenation were performed in situ to monitor the symmetry of the unit cells of MgyTi 100-y thin film alloys (70 ≤ y ≤ 90 at.% Mg) along the pressure-composition isotherms at room temperature. The diffraction patte ...
The structural, optical, and electrical transformations induced by hydrogen absorption and/or desorption in Mg-Ti thin films prepared by co-sputtering of Mg and Ti are investigated. Highly reflective in the metallic state, the films become highly absorbing upon H absorption. The ...
We report on the implementation of Pd-capped chemo-chromic metal hydrides as a sensing layer in fiber optic hydrogen detectors. Due to the change in optical properties of Mg-based alloys on hydrogen absorption, a drop in reflectance by a factor of 10 is demonstrated at hydrogen l ...


An optical combinatorial method to find new light-weight hydrogen-storage materials

Hydrogenography is an advanced combinatorial and standard method used for the search of new hydrogen-storage materials to synthesize bulk samples and to use volumetric or gravimetric techniques to follow their hydrogenation reaction. Hydrogenography, with a straightforward optica ...
The hydrogenation of metallic Mg2 Ni films was shown to proceed via a self-organized double layering of transparent Mg2 NiH4 and metallic Mg2 NiH0.3. For stoichiometries departing from Mg2 Ni we conclude from optical reflection, transmission and electrical measurements that the h ...
Mg-Ti-H thin films are found to have very attractive optical properties: they absorb 87% of the solar radiation in the hydrogenated state and only 32% in the metallic state. Furthermore, in the absorbing state Mg-Ti-H has a low emissivity; at 400 K only 10% of blackbody radiation ...
A triple layer thin film (30 nm Mg2Ni/100 nm Ti/10 nm Pd sputtered on glass) switches reversibly from a shiny metallic to a "black" state upon exposure to moderate hydrogen pressure (≈5.103 Pa). This black state resembles that obtained in thick Mg2
In order to develop optical fiber hydrogen sensors, thin film materials with a high optical contrast between the metallic and hydrided states are needed. Magnesium exhibits such a contrast but cannot be easily hydrogenated at room temperature. However, thin films of Pd-doped Mg ( ...
Mg2NiH4 thin films have been prepared by activated reactive evaporation in a molecular beam epitaxy system equipped with an atomic hydrogen source. The optical reflection spectra and the resistivity of the films are measured in situ during deposition. In sit ...
We prepared epitaxial YH2 films on (111) CaF2 by pulsed laser deposition (PLD) from a metallic yttrium target. Without adding any reactive hydrogen, the dihydride is formed in situ due to the hydrogen evolving from the metallic target which contains ~7 at% H. Upon pulsed laser ir ...