W. Lohstroh

16 records found


MgHx thin films are grown by activated reactive evaporation in a Molecular Beam Epitaxy system fitted with an atomic hydrogen source. During deposition the electrical and optical properties are measured in-situ. The structural properties are determined ex-situ by Atomic Force Mic ...

Mgy Ni (2 ≤ y ≤ 10) thin films covered with a Pd cap layer are hydrogenated in 1 05 Pa H2 between room temperature and 80 ° C and their dielectric function over(ε, ̃) is determined from reflection and transmission measurements. The hydrogenated ...

The hydrogenation of metallic Mg2 Ni films was shown to proceed via a self-organized double layering of transparent Mg2 NiH4 and metallic Mg2 NiH0.3. For stoichiometries departing from Mg2 Ni we conclude from optical reflection, transmission and electrical measurements that the h ...
The optical switching from shiny metallic to "black" absorbing states of 30 nm Mg2Ni/50 nm TM/10 nm Pd (TM = Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Pd) trilayer thin films upon hydrogenation is used to determine the hydrogen absorption/desorption kinetics at moderate H2 pressure and room tem ...

Mg2NiH4 thin films have been prepared by activated reactive evaporation in a molecular beam epitaxy system equipped with an atomic hydrogen source. The optical reflection spectra and the resistivity of the films are measured in situ during deposition. In ...

A triple layer thin film (30 nm Mg2Ni/100 nm Ti/10 nm Pd sputtered on glass) switches reversibly from a shiny metallic to a "black" state upon exposure to moderate hydrogen pressure (≈5.103 Pa). This black state resembles that obtained in thick Mg2

Hydrogen absorption by a thin Mg2Ni film capped with Pd results in the nucleation of the Mg2NiH4 phase at the film/substrate interface. On further hydrogenation, a self-organized two-layer system consisting of a Mg2NiH0.3/ ...

The temperature dependent optical properties of certain thin films are used in so-called thermochromic devices. As an alternative to a single layer of, e.g. VO2, which displays a temperature dependent optical transmission, we propose the use of an encapsulated metal ...

The optical properties of Mg-TM (TM: Ni, Co, Fe; Mg:TM ≈ 2) thin films during hydrogenation are investigated using reflection and transmission measurements. Mg-Ni and Mg-Co show an unusual behavior upon exposure to hydrogen. The nucleation of the hydride starts at the film substr ...
Hydrogen absorption by a Pd capped thin Mg2Ni film results in the nucleation of the Mg2NiH4 phase at the film/substrate interface and thus induces a self-organized two-layer system. This leads to the optical black state in Mg2Ni thin films upon hydrogenation. This unusual hydroge ...

Ti-catalyzed Mg(AlH4)2

A reversible hydrogen storage material

Mg-Al thin films with a compositional gradient are co-sputtered from off-centered magnetron sources and capped with a thin Pd layer. We study their hydride formation by monitoring their optical transmission during hydrogenation under defined pressure and temperature conditions ...

A novel optical technique to measure catalytic activity for hydrogen sorption is presented. The catalytic activity of the noble metals of Pd, Ni, Cu and Ag is studied as function of pressure and temperature. The uptake rate is limited by chemisorption as deduced by modelling k ...

The structural, thermodynamic and optical properties of Mg2Ni thin films covered with Pd are investigated upon exposure to hydrogen. Similar to bulk, thin films of metallic Mg2Ni take up 4 hydrogen per formula unit and semiconducting transparent Mg2< ...

Mg-Ni-H films as selective coatings

Tunable reflectance by layered hydrogenation

The peculiar optical patterns observed in Mg2NiHx films during hydrogenation with their applicability as selective tunable absorbers were discussed. These films showed large change in reflection that yielded very low reflectance at different hydrogen contents. It was shown that t ...

Thin films of Mg2NiHx which exhibit a remarkable black state with low reflection over the entire visible spectrum were investigated. The films show zero transmission and a low electrical resistivity. It was shown that such a black state is not explicable ...