Jorge Chacon-Caldera
4 records found
Measurement of the bloodT1time using conventional myocardialT1mapping methods hasgained clinical significance in the context of extracellular volume (ECV) mapping and synthetichematocrit (Hct). However, its accuracy is potentially compromised by in-flow ofnon-inverted/non-saturat
Purpose: To evaluate the use of magnetic resonance fingerprinting (MRF) for simultaneous quantification of T1 and T*2 in a single breath-hold in the kidneys. Methods: The proposed kidney MRF sequence was based on MRF echo-planar imaging. Thirty-five measurem
Structural and optical properties of MgxAl1-xH y gradient thin films
A combinatorial approach
The structural, optical and dc electrical properties of Mg xAl1-x (0.2 ≤ x ≤ 0.9) gradient thin films covered with Pd/Mg are investigated before and after exposure to hydrogen. We use hydrogenography, a novel high-throughput optical technique, to map simulta
The structural, thermodynamic and optical properties of Mg2Ni thin films covered with Pd are investigated upon exposure to hydrogen. Similar to bulk, thin films of metallic Mg2Ni take up 4 hydrogen per formula unit and semiconducting transparent Mg2