251 records found
Stable subspace tracking algorithm based on signed URV decomposition
Stress reduction in a-C:H coatings through the addition of nitrogen to the feed gas
Formation of Au-nanocrystals in TiO2 and SrTiO3 by ion implantation in restricted volumes
Nanoprecipitates and nanocavities in Functional Materials
Dynamics of polycarbonate far below the glass transition temperature: A positron annihilation lifetime study
Formation of |Au nanocrystals in ceramic oxides by ion implantation
Long Term Performance of the Reactor Based Positron Beam Posh
Protrusion formation and surface porosity development on thermally annealed helium implanted copper
Surface porosity development on metal substrates by helium implantation and annealing
Condensed Matter and Defect-Related Research at ICPA-13
Profile measurements of helium implanted in UO2 sintered pellets by using the 3He (d,alpha) 1H nuclear reaction analysis technique
Positronen werpen een nieuw licht op nanokristallen
Surface morphologies of excimer-laser annealed BF2+ implanted Si diodes
A description of bubble growth and gas release during thermal annealing of helium implanted copper
A positron beam study of hydrogen confined in nano-cavities in crystalline silicon
Formation and dissociation in Zn nanoclusters in MgO
Positron Annihilation Lifetime Spectroscopy to Study the Structural Relaxation of PC far below the Glass Transition Temperature
Formation of CdSe nanoclusters in MgO by ion beam synthesis
Radial Electron Momentum Densities in Colloidal CdSe Nanocrystals Determined by Positron Beam Analysis