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R.C. Visser
Academic Work (19)
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Book (2)
Book chapter (4)
Conference paper (6)
Journal article (1)
Report (4)
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19 records found
Blob-shells: composite stressed skin roofs for liquid design architecture
Conference paper (2008) -
A.C.J. Eekhout (author)
R.C. Visser (author)
The Architecture Annual 2005-2006
Book (2007) -
Henco Bekkering (author)
D. Hauptmann (author)
Marjolein Pijpers-van Esch (author)
PA Haupt (author)
Machiel Van Dorst (author)
Dirk van den Heuvel (author)
WCW Oostendorp (author)
S Meijer (author)
R.C. Visser (author)
A.C.J. Eekhout (author)
JG van Ettekoven (author)
R.J. Nottrot (author)
A. den Heijer (author)
OGT Faber (author)
I. Sevil Sariyildiz (author)
MS Bittermann (author)
O. Ciftcioglu (author)
A. Van Timmeren (author)
Kas Oosterhuis (author)
J.C. Hubers (author)
F. Claessens (author)
L. van Duin (author)
W.W.L.M. Wilms Floet (author)
J Klatte (author)
L.S. Schrijver (author)
GJ Peek (author)
R.V. Ritoe (author)
H de Jonge (author)
W van der Toorn Vrijthoff (author)
DJM van der Voordt (author)
V. Gruis (author)
Rob P. Geraedts (author)
M. Prins (author)
U. Knaack (author)
S van Manen (author)
P.K.M. van Roosmalen (author)
A. van Bilsen (author)
EH Stolk (author)
T.M. de Jong (author)
Research Colloquium Industrial Building
Report (2007) -
A.C.J. Eekhout (author)
R.C. Visser (author)
Blob shells : Design Development and Research on Composite Stressed Skin Roofs for Liquid Design Architecture
Abstract (2007) -
A.C.J. Eekhout (author)
R.C. Visser (author)
Composites & the renaissance of the shell
Conference paper (2007) -
A.C.J. Eekhout (author)
R.C. Visser (author)
Composites & the renaissance of the shell
Abstract (2007) -
A.C.J. Eekhout (author)
R.C. Visser (author)
Book chapter (2007) -
A.C.J. Eekhout (author)
Ulrich Knaack (author)
R.C. Visser (author)
M Crisinel (author)
M Haldimann (author)
Research Colloquium Blobs
Report (2007) -
A.C.J. Eekhout (author)
R.C. Visser (author)
Delft Science in Design A Congress on Interdisciplinry Design
Book chapter (2007) -
A.C.J. Eekhout (author)
R.C. Visser (author)
Rabin Center, Tel Aviv, Israel
Book chapter (2007) -
A.C.J. Eekhout (author)
R.C. Visser (author)
Building Technology Research Projects
Report (2007) -
A.C.J. Eekhout (author)
E.B. Tuncer (author)
R.C. Visser (author)
Blob shells:Design Development and Research on Composite Stressed Skin Roofs for Liquid Design Architecture
Conference paper (2007) -
A.C.J. Eekhout (author)
R.C. Visser (author)
Research in Architectural Engineering Series,Glass & Interactive Building Envelopes Volume 1
Book (2007) -
M Crisinel (author)
ACJM Eekhout (author)
M Haldimann (author)
R.C. Visser (author)
Cardboard in Architecture
Report (2007) -
A.C.J. Eekhout (author)
APJM Verheijen (author)
R.C. Visser (author)
GRP sandwich roof structures for 'liquid design' architecture
Conference paper (2006) -
A.C.J. Eekhout (author)
R.C. Visser (author)
Innovative roof structures for the Yitzhak Rabin Center
Conference paper (2006) -
A.C.J. Eekhout (author)
R.C. Visser (author)
Maison d'artiste. Reconstructing a long-lost model (AA)
Book chapter (2005) -
ACJM Eekhout (author)
M Suttorp (author)
J Braat (author)
R.C. Visser (author)
GRP sandwich structures for 'liquid design' architecture
Conference paper (2005) -
A.C.J. Eekhout (author)
R.C. Visser (author)
Gevleugeld onder dak : vleugels voor Yitzhak Rabin Center deel 3 - assemblage en montage
Journal article (2005) -
A.C.J. Eekhout (author)
R.C. Visser (author)