P.K.M. van Roosmalen
47 records found
The other ‘other’
Re-framing and re-defining research on Southeast Asian colonial and postcolonial architecture and urbanism
Attracted by the growing career opportunities emerging in the Dutch East Indies around the turn of the twentieth century, an increasing number of young, ambitious and well-trained professionals from the Netherlands set sail to the Dutch colony. Amongst them was a growing communit
From 'Indisch' and 'Art Deco' to 'Jengki'
Re-thinking 'colonial' architecture of the Dutch East Indies in a globalising world
Hong Kong University Press, Hong Kong, 2013, ISBN 978-988-8139-41-5 (hardback); ISBN 978-988-8139-42-2 (paperback).@en
Bouwen in turbulente tijden
Het werk van Ingenieurs-Bureau Ingenegeren-Vrijburg (IBIV) (1936-1957)
Op 1 mei 1936 openden de Nederlandse ingenieurs A.C. Ingenegeren en G.S. Vrijburg in Nederlands-Indië de deuren van Ingenieurs-Bureau Ingenegeren-Vrijburg (IBIV) (afb.2 ). Het in Bandoeng gevestigde IBIV zou bestaan tot 1957. De bestaansperiode van het bureau viel samen met polit