C. Frömming
25 records found
Reliable prediction of aviation’s environmental impact, including the effect of nitrogen oxides on ozone, is vital for effective mitigation against its contribution to global warming. Estimating this climate impact however, in terms of the short-term ozone instantaneous radiative
Transport Patterns of Global Aviation NOx and their Short-term O3 Radiative Forcing
A Machine Learning Approach
Aviation produces a net climate warming contribution that comprises multiple forcing terms of mixed sign. Aircraft NOx emissions are associated with both warming and cooling terms, with the short-term increase in O3 induced by NOx emissions being the dominant warming effect. The
While efforts have been made to curb CO2 emissions from aviation, the more uncertain non-CO2 effects that contribute about two-thirds to the warming in terms of radiative forcing (RF), still require attention. The most important non-CO2 effects include persistent line-shaped cont
The Modular Earth Submodel System (MESSy) provides an interface to couple submodels to a base model via a modular flexible data management facility. This paper presents the newly developed MESSy submodel, ACCF version 1.0 (ACCF 1.0), based on algorithmic Climate Change Functions
One possibility to reduce the climate impact of aviation is the avoidance of climate-sensitive regions, which is synonymous with climate-optimised flight planning. Those regions can be identified by algorithmic Climate Change Functions (aCCFs) for nitrogen oxides (NOx), water vap
Aviation contributes to 3.5% of anthropogenic climate change in terms of Effective Radiative Forcing (ERF) and 5% in terms of temperature change. Aviation climate impact is expected to increase rapidly due to the growth of air transport sector in most regions of the world and the
The resilient growth of air travel demands a comprehensive understanding of the climate effects from aviation emissions. The current level of knowledge of the environmental repercussions of CO2 emissions is considerably higher than that of non-CO2 emissions, which includes nitrog
Climate-optimized routing is an operational measure to effectively reduce the climate impact of aviation with a slight increase in aircraft operating costs. This study examined variations in the flight characteristics among five aircraft routing strategies and discusses several c
Influence of weather situation on non-CO2 aviation climate effects
The REACT4C climate change functions
Emissions of aviation include CO2, H2O, NOx, sulfur oxides, and soot. Many studies have investigated the annual mean climate impact of aviation emissions. While CO2 has a long atmospheric residence time and is almost uniformly distributed in the atmosphere, non-CO2 gases and part
Aviation contributes to climate change, and the climate impact of aviation is expected to increase further. Adaptations of aircraft routings in order to reduce the climate impact are an important climate change mitigation measure. The air traffic simulator AirTraf, as a submodel
Aviation-attributed climate impact depends on a combination of composition changes in trace gases due to emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) and non-CO2 species. Nitrogen oxides (NOx D NO C NO2) emissions induce an increase in ozone (O3) and a depletion of methane (CH4), leading to
Emissions of aviation include CO2, H2O, NOx and particles. While CO2 has a long atmospheric residence time and is uniformly distributed in the atmosphere, non-CO2 gases, particles and their products have short atmospheric residence times and are heterogeneously di
A climate-optimized routing is expected as an operational measure to reduce the climate impact of aviation, whereas this routing causes extra aircraft operating costs. This study performs some air traffic simulations of nine aircraft routing strat
This paper studies the impacts on flight trajectories, such as lateral and vertical changes, when avoiding the formation of persistent contrails for transatlantic flights. A sophisticated Earth-System Model (EMAC) coupled with a flight routing submodel (AirTraf) and a contrail su
Besides CO2, the climate impact of commercial aviation is strongly influenced by non-CO2 effects, which are highly sensitive to meteorological conditions and their spatial variations. To assess the cost-benefit potential (climate impact mitigation vs. cost increase) of climate an
Mitigation potential of environmental optimized aircraft trajectories
How to perform environmental optimization of aircraft trajectories impact in Europe
Air traffic management as currently under development by the Single European Sky ATM Research program SESAR has an important role to play in reducing environmental impact of aviation by means of green trajectories, in addition to the improvements to be derived from new aircraft a
Comprehensive assessment of the environmental aspects of flight movements is of increasing interest to the aviation sector as a potential input for developing sustainable aviation strategies that consider climate impact, air quality and noise issues simultaneously. However, compr
Current air traffic routing is motivated by minimizing economic costs, such as fuel use. In addition to the climate impact of CO2 emissions from this fuel use, aviation contributes to climate change through non-CO2 impacts, such as changes in atmospheric ozone and methane concent
Contribution of emissions to concentrations
The TAGGING 1.0 submodel based on the Modular Earth Submodel System (MESSy 2.52)
Questions such as “what is the contribution of road traffic emissions to climate change?” or “what is the impact of shipping emissions on local air quality?” require a quantification of the contribution of specific emissions sectors to the concentration of radiatively active spec