B. Lührs
9 records found
Air traffic contributes to anthropogenic global warming by about 5% due to CO2 emissions and non-CO2 effects, which are primarily caused by the emission of NOx and water vapor as well as the formation of contrails. Since-in the long term-the aviat
Aviation can reduce its climate impact by controlling its CO2-emission and non-CO2 effects, e.g., aviation-induced contrail-cirrus and ozone caused by nitrogen oxide emissions. One option is the implementation of operational measures that aim to avoid those
Given the comparably high impact of aircraft emissions, especially their non-CO2 effects, on climate in the order of 5%, aviation stakeholders are required to act to reduce the warming effects of air traffic. Besides new operational procedures, like e.g. climate-optimized ro
Mitigation potential of environmental optimized aircraft trajectories
How to perform environmental optimization of aircraft trajectories impact in Europe
Air traffic management as currently under development by the Single European Sky ATM Research program SESAR has an important role to play in reducing environmental impact of aviation by means of green trajectories, in addition to the improvements to be derived from new aircraft a
Mitigating the Climate Impact from Aviation
Achievements and Results of the DLR WeCare Project
The WeCare project (Utilizing Weather information for Climate efficient and eco efficient future aviation), an internal project of the German Aerospace Center (Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt, DLR), aimed at finding solutions for reducing the climate impact of aviation
Impacts of commercial aircraft operation upon the environment, which are caused primarily from emissions of CO2, NOx and the formation of contrails, are matter of growing concern, as aviation is one of the fastest developing industrial sectors worldwide and the awareness of its e
A method is developed for the conceptual design of the root airfoil of aft-swept wings, based on wing planform parameters and a baseline airfoil in the outboard wing. The aim of the design is to reduce form drag at the root by creating straight upper-surface isobars. The analysis
Climate-Compatible Air Transport System
Climate Impact Mitigation Potential for Actual and Future Aircraft
Aviation guarantees mobility, but its emissions also contribute considerably to climate change. Therefore, climate impact mitigation strategies have to be developed based on comprehensive assessments of the different impacting factors. We quantify the climate impact mitigation po
Climate optimized flight trajectories are considered to be a promising measure to mitigate non-CO2 emissions’ environmental impact, which is highly sensitive to locus and time of emission. Within this study, optimal control techniques are applied in order to determine