Q Hu
32 records found
GUSTO will be a NASA balloon borne terahertz observatory to be launched from Antarctica in late 2021 for a flight duration of 100-170 days. It aims at reviewing the life cycle of interstellar medium of our galaxy by simultaneously mapping the three brightest interstellar cooling
We present an 8-beam local oscillator (LO) for the astronomically significant [OI] line at 4.7 THz. The beams are generated using a quantum cascade laser (QCL) in combination with a Fourier phase grating. The grating is fully characterized using a third order distributed feedback
We report an extensive study of the effect of an additional dielectric layer on the frequency of terahertz quantum cascade lasers (QCLs). QCLs with third-order distributed feedback structure at frequencies of 3.5 and 4.7 THz are used in our experiment. The dielectric layer applie
We have performed frequency locking of a dual, forward reverse emitting 3rd order distributed feedback quantum cascade laser (QCL) at 3.5 THz. By using both directions of THz emission in combination with two gas cells and two power detectors, we can for the first time perform fre