B. Mirzaei
33 records found
We have successfully demonstrated three 4×2 hot electron bolometer (HEB) mixer arrays, designed to operate between 4.2 and 5.5 K, with local oscillator (LO) frequencies of 1.4, 1.9, and 4.7 THz, respectively. These arrays consist of spiral antenna coupled NbN HEB mixers combined
We measured the double sideband (DSB) receiver noise temperature (TrecDSB) of an NbN hot electron bolometer (HEB) mixer at three local oscillator frequencies of 1.6, 2.5, and 5.3 THz. The HEB has cleaned contact interfaces with a 200 nm thick Au layer. The measuredTrecDSB values
We have demonstrated three 4×2 hot electron bolometer (HEB) mixer arrays for operation at local oscillator (LO) frequencies of 1.4, 1.9 and 4.7 THz, respectively. These arrays consist of spiral antenna coupled NbN HEB mixers combined with elliptical lenses. These are to date the
The terahertz frequency region of the electromagnetic spectrum is crucial for understanding the formation and evolution of galaxies and stars throughout the universe's history, as well as the process of planet formation. Detecting the unique spectral signatures of molecules and a
We have simulated and measured the beam properties of lens-antenna coupled hot electron bolometer mixers at a few supra-terahertz frequencies between 1.4 and 5.3 THz. The quasi-optical structures consist of an elliptical lens and a logarithmic spiral antenna. The model used for o
We have studied THz heterodyne detection in sub-micrometer MgB2 hot electron bolometer (HEB) mixers based on superconducting MgB2 films of ∼ 5 nm (HEB-A), corresponding to a critical temperature (Tc) of 33.9 K, and ∼ 7 nm (HEB-B), corresponding to a T c of 38.4 K. We have measure
Gal/Xgal U/LDB Spectroscopic/ Stratospheric THz Observatory (GUSTO) is a NASA Explorers Mission of Opportunity that will make large scale maps of the Milky Way and Large Magellanic Cloud in three important interstellar lines: [CII], [OI], and [NII] at 158, 63, and 205 μm, respect
We will report a full demonstration of the Fourier phase grating used as 4.7 THz local oscillator (LO) multiplexer for Galactic/Extragalactic ULDB Spectroscopic Terahertz Observatory (GUSTO). The design, modeling, tolerance analysis, and experimental characterization of the angul
We present an analysis of the bandwidth of an asymmetric 8-beam Fourier grating as the beam multiplexer for a 4.7 THz local oscillator used in a heterodyne receiver. We take the grating designed for NASA GUSTO balloon observatory as an example to address the bandwidth question al
Heterodyne receivers combining a NbN HEB mixer with a local oscillator (LO) are the work horse for high resolution (≥106) spectroscopic observations at supra-terahertz frequencies. We report an MgB2 HEB mixer working at 5.3 THz with
20 K operation temperature based on a previ ...
20 K operation temperature based on a previ ...
A full demonstration of the Fourier phase grating used as 4.7 THz local oscillator (LO) multiplexer for Galactic/Extragalactic ULDB Spectroscopic Terahertz Observatory (GUSTO) is presented in this paper, including its design, modeling, tolerance analysis, and experimental charact
We have demonstrated a low noise superconducting MgB2 hot electron bolometer (HEB) mixer working at the frequency of 5.3 terahertz (THz) with 20 K operation temperature. The bolometer consists of a 7 nm thick MgB2 submicrometer bridge contacted with a spiral antenna to couple THz
We present a terahertz spatial filter consisting of two back-to-back (B2B) mounted elliptical silicon lenses and an opening aperture defined on a thin gold layer between the lenses. The beam filtering efficiency of the B2B lens system is investigated by simulation and experiment.
Large heterodyne receiver arrays (~100 pixel) allow astronomical instrumentations mapping more area within limited space mission lifetime. One challenge is to generate multiple local oscillator (LO) beams. Here, We succeeded in generating 81 beams at 3.86 THz by combining a refle
Terahertz spectrometers with a wide instantaneous frequency coverage for passive remote sensing are enormously attractive for many terahertz applications, such as astronomy, atmospheric science, and security. Here we demonstrate a wide-band terahertz spectrometer based on a singl
We present an analysis of the bandwidth of a preliminary designed asymmetric 8-pixel Fourier grating as the beam multiplexer for the 4.7 THz local oscillator of the GUSTO mission. We take the GUSTO grating as an example to address the bandwidth question although GUSTO itself does
Large heterodyne receiver arrays (~100 pixel) allow astronomical instrumentations to map more area within limited space mission lifetime. One challenge is to generate multiple local oscillator (LO) beams. Here, we succeeded in generating 81 beams at 3.86 THz by combining a reflec
The grating design for the 4.7 THz channel of GUSTO (Galactic/ Extragalactic ULDB Spectroscopic Terahertz Observatory) has been reported in this paper, which acts as a beam multiplexer for coupling a single QCL (Quantum Cascade Laser) beam to an 8-pixel mixer array. The design an