C. Groppi

10 records found

Complex field mapping is a powerful tool to characterize the optical performance of astronomical instruments, and has become the standard for characterizing heterodyne array cameras. Recently, an adaptation of the heterodyne beam mapping technique was demonstrated on a single pix ...
GUSTO will be a NASA balloon borne terahertz observatory to be launched from Antarctica in late 2021 for a flight duration of 100-170 days. It aims at reviewing the life cycle of interstellar medium of our galaxy by simultaneously mapping the three brightest interstellar cooling ...
We compare the results of simulated and measured power efficiency and far-field beam pattern, for two reflective Fourier phase gratings, designed to generate 2 x 2 and 2 x 4 beams respectively from a single-beam, coherent source at 1.4 THz. The designed surface structures were ma ...
We present an 8-beam local oscillator (LO) for the astronomically significant [OI] line at 4.7 THz. The beams are generated using a quantum cascade laser (QCL) in combination with a Fourier phase grating. The grating is fully characterized using a third order distributed feedback ...
Modelling, manufacturing and characterization of two 4 and 8-pixel Fourier phase gratings operated at 1.4 THz are reported, mainly applicable as local oscillator multiplexers for heterodyne receivers. Comparing the measurements with full 3D simulations shows good agreements and p ...
This paper is a report on the demonstration and stabilization of a 2x4 NbN hot electron bolometer (HEB) array receiver for GUSTO based on a multiple beam local oscillator (LO). Through the combination of a FIR Gas laser and a Fourier phase grating we were able to generate a 8 bea ...