Andrey M. Baryshev
63 records found
Next generation sub-mm imaging instruments require kilo-pixel focal plane arrays filled with background limited detectors. Microwave kinetic inductance detectors (MKIDs) are a state-of-the-art detector for future instruments due to their inherent multiplexing capabilities. An MKI
Astronomical observations at infrared, sub-millimetre, and millimetre wavelengths are essential for addressing many of the key questions in astrophysics. Future ground- and space based observatories need large detector arrays with a sensitivity limited only by the noise of the ra
Large ultrasensitive detector arrays are needed for present and future observatories for far infrared, submillimeter wave (THz), and millimeter wave astronomy. With increasing array size, it is increasingly important to control stray radiation inside the detector chips themselves
Microwave kinetic inductance detectors (MKIDs) are the most attractive radiation detectors for far-infrared and sub-mm astronomy. They combine ultimate sensitivity with the possibility to create very large detector arrays, in excess of 10000 pixels. This is possible by reading-ou
We present the development of background limited kinetic inductance detectors (KIDs) for THz astronomy applications to be used in space based observatories. The THz radiation is coupled to the KID via a leaky wave antenna covering the frequency range from 1.4 to 2.8 THz. We have
Kinetic inductance detectors for space applications
SPACEKIDS, a European Union FP-7 project, has recently been completed. It has focused on developing kinetic inductance detector (KID) arrays and demonstrating their suitability for space applications at far infrared and submillimetre wavelengths. KID arrays have been developed fo