P. W.M. Corbett

27 records found


An innovative multi-deterministic scenario workflow was applied to one of the giant and complex carbonate reservoirs in the Middle East. The application of this workflow had the objective to quantify how geological uncertainties and different modelling decisions impact the sto ...

Macro insights from interval pressure transient tests

Deriving key near-wellbore fracture parameters in a light oil reservoir offshore Norway

Fractures can be first-order controls on fluid flow in hydrocarbon reservoirs. Understanding the characteristics of fractures such as their aperture, density, distribution, conductivity, connectivity, etc, is key for reservoir engineering and production analysis. Well testing ...

A geological well testing model containing fractures and matrix was built to match an observed complex well test response in a reservoir that was known to be fractured. The resulting match of a well intersecting minor fractures near a major fracture was considered a good match ...

We apply, evaluate and compare several reservoir rock typing (RRT) approaches for a giant carbonate reservoir in the Middle East that is characterized by poor rock quality and a thick transition zone. These workflows are used to define RRTs by comparing several approaches, namely ...

We apply a new and geologically consistent workflow to re-evaluate the saturation distribution in a giant and complex carbonate reservoir from the Middle East that comprises a thick transition zone. The workflow makes use of all the available capillary pressure, porosity, and ...

Naturally fractured reservoirs (NFRs) account for a significant amount of the world conventional reserves but suffer from low recovery factors. Multiple techniques are, often in combination, used to detect the presence and extent of fractures in a reservoir. Of particular inte ...

Geological well testing is a valuable tool that allows us to improve understanding of pressure transient behaviour in a fractured reservoir. However, not all wells in a fractured reservoir will show pressure transients that are expected for NFRs. Our findings demonstrate that hig ...

Obtaining a fit-for-purpose rock-type classification that adequately incorporates the key depositional and diagenetic heterogeneities is a prime challenge for carbonate reservoirs. Another prevailing issue is to integrate the static and dynamic data consistently with the rock- ...

Field X comprises a giant Palaeogene limestone reservoir with a long production history. An original geomodel used for history matching employed a permeability transform derived directly from core data. However, the resulting permeability model required major modifications, such ...
This study illustrates a novel near wellbore rock typing and upscaling approach to obtain fit-for-purpose rock typing scheme to improve the characterisation and simulation of a highly heterogeneous offshore carbonate field, Field X. The key geological heterogeneities present in F ...
We have investigated the role of high-frequency cycles (HFCs) in carbonates during water flooding. These are normally sub-seismic and therefore below grid resolution and must be upscaled, both in terms of single- and multiphase flow behaviour, to predict time to water breakthroug ...

In this study we have employed an integrated near wellbore upscaling and dynamic calibration workflow to resolve the persisting uncertainty concerning the apparent enhanced permeability in a large offshore carbonate field. Geological heterogeneities with the potential to radic ...

Carbonate reservoirs host a major portion of the world's remaining conventional and unconventional hydrocarbon reserves, typically containing multi-scale geological heterogeneities varying over many orders of magnitude in size. Characterizing and representing them robustly in res ...
Performance prediction for diatomite reservoirs is very challenging because these reservoirs have a low permeability, contain fractures, and are very compactible. Therefore it has been suggested that reservoir simulation is not suitable for forecasting future hydrocarbon producti ...

Porosity and permeability of carbonate sediments evolve markedly with burial depth, reflecting the combined effects of mechanical compaction, chemical compaction, dissolution and cementation. While trends in porosity change with depth can be qualified, the evolution of permeab ...

Benchmark problems have been generated to test a number of issues related to predicting reservoir behaviour (e.g. Floris et al., 2001, Christie and Blunt, 2001, Peters et al., 2010). However, such cases are usually focused on a particular aspect of the reservoir model (e.g. up ...

New reservoir characterization methods are needed to integrate multiscale exploration and development data, particularly at the interface between well and field models. In this paper, we illustrate a novel workflow involving high-resolution near-wellbore modeling (NWM), which all ...

The third porosity system

Understanding the role of hidden pore systems in well-test interpretation in carbonates

Well testing is a critical part of any evaluation of a carbonate reservoir discovery. Well-test interpretation in carbonate reservoirs poses additional challenges to those normally faced in the interpretation process in clastic reservoirs. The range of different boundary and cros ...
New reservoir characterisation methods are needed to integrate multi-scale exploration and development data, particularly at the interface between well and field models. In this paper we illustrate a novel workflow involving high resolution Near Wellbore Modeling (NWM), which all ...
Interpreting well-tests in (fractured) carbonate reservoirs poses significant challenges because these reservoirs often demonstrate triple porosity system (fracture-matrix-vugs) characteristics. However, there is no "unique" triple porosity system: The matrix can behave as a doub ...