Jens Petter Norgard

4 records found


This paper successfully applied the geoengineering workflow for integrated well-test analysis to characterize fluid flow in a newly discovered fractured reservoir in the Barents Sea. A reservoir model containing fractures and matrix was built and calibrated using this workflow to ...

Macro insights from interval pressure transient tests

Deriving key near-wellbore fracture parameters in a light oil reservoir offshore Norway

Fractures can be first-order controls on fluid flow in hydrocarbon reservoirs. Understanding the characteristics of fractures such as their aperture, density, distribution, conductivity, connectivity, etc, is key for reservoir engineering and production analysis. Well testing ...

In this study we have applied new dual-porosity flow diagnostics to a recently discovered offshore fractured carbonate reservoir undergoing charactersiation studies. Carbonate reservoirs are typically highly hetrogeneous, naturally fractured and often mixed to oil wet, all of the ...

A geological well testing model containing fractures and matrix was built to match an observed complex well test response in a reservoir that was known to be fractured. The resulting match of a well intersecting minor fractures near a major fracture was considered a good match ...