Z. Jiang

7 records found

The fossiliferous Eocene carbonate reservoir interval of the offshore Hasdrubal Field has a diagenetic history in which dolomitisation of micrite-rich facies has significantly enhanced reservoir quality. Using published information on the diagenetic evolution, digital textural re ...

Micropore network modelling from 2D confocal imagery

Impact on reservoir quality and hydrocarbon recovery

Microporosity in carbonate reservoirs is globally pervasive and commonly used to explain high-porosity, low-permeability reservoirs, higher than expected water saturations, low resistivity pay zones and poor sweep efficiency. The potential for micropores to store and produce hydr ...
Although flow through fractured rocks involves many different length-scales, it is crucial for the prediction of continuum-scale single- and multi-phase flow functions to understand, at the pore-scale, the interaction between the rock matrix and fractures. Here we present a pore- ...
Carbonate reservoirs contain more than half of the world's remaining petroleum reserves and are increasingly becoming targets for water-alternating-gas (WAG) flooding as secondary or tertiary recovery. Heterogeneity in carbonate reservoirs spans from pore- to reservoir-scale. Thi ...
Porosity and permeability of carbonate sediments evolve markedly with burial depth, reflecting the combined effects of mechanical compaction, chemical compaction, dissolution and cementation. While trends in porosity change with depth can be qualified, the evolution of permeabili ...
Carbonate reservoirs have textural heterogeneities at all length-scales (triple porosity pore-vug-fracture) and tend to be mixed- to oil-wet The choice of an enhanced oil recovery process and the prediction of oil recovery require a sound understanding of the fundamental controls ...
The application of high resolution x-ray computed tomography in conjunction with x-ray transparent core holders and representative volumes of porous carbonate media enable exceptionally high quality imaging of fluid displacement processes. The experiments show that the rock is wa ...