H. Lewis

6 records found


Microporosity is commonly assumed to be non-connected porosity and not commonly studied in geoengineering industry. However, the presence of micropores plays a key role in connecting macropores and it can contribute significantly to the overall flow performance. In this study, ...

The fossiliferous Eocene carbonate reservoir interval of the offshore Hasdrubal Field has a diagenetic history in which dolomitisation of micrite-rich facies has significantly enhanced reservoir quality. Using published information on the diagenetic evolution, digital textural ...

The Eocene El Garia Formation in the offshore Hasdrubal Field was originally a nummulitic limestone in which subsequent burial dolomitization has significantly enhanced permeability. Identification of the reservoir's petrophysical property distributions requires knowledge of the ...
Basin modelling tools are widely used to predict reservoir charging but, unfortunately, their application to carbonate reservoirs is far from straightforward. For carbonates, the relationships between porosity/ effective stress/depth, must be addressed before a reliable basin mod ...
Carbonate reservoirs have petrophysical property distributions largely controlled by a combination of the depositional, diagenetic, and structural (burial/uplift) histories of the reservoir itself and also of the basins that contain them. Carbonates are very prone to diagenetic a ...