Kyung Hoon Lee

16 records found

This study investigates the effects of natural exposure in an indoor environment on restorative quality and cognitive ability. Thirty participants were shown nature at three different indoor sites: baseline, indoor (some vegetation), and semi-indoor (a large amount of vegetation ...
Data on the decision-making process of residential burglars at the micro-level are scarce. Furthermore, to the best of our knowledge, none of the related studies have investigated multiple relationships between the design features of a target, a burglar’s assessment of effort and ...
This study examines how the environmental features of residential property influence the choice of intrusion routes in a burglary, based on the assumption that burglars mainly judge whether there are proper intrusion routes rather than assessing the entire house. In order to coll ...
This study was conducted to examine the advantages and possibilities of VR as a research method for residential burglary-related studies by comparing two different experimental tools, image and VR. A hypothetical situation of a motivated burglar looking for an appropriate crimina ...
This study explores environmental factors influencing fear of crime in commercial streets, and proposes design strategies to alleviate it. The environmental factors were derived by analyzing previous studies, and the degree of fear (that changes according to the various planning ...
The purpose of this study is to develop a vulnerability assessment model of explosive terrorism in multi-use buildings focusing mainly on architectural design elements. First, in order to extract the weights of each assessment element, expert surveys with four anti-terrorism spec ...
The purpose of this study is to survey the perspectives of architectural design practitioners on the anti-terrorism design of multi-use buildings. According to the results of the survey, practitioners highly evaluated the contribution of anti-terrorism design for buildings to pre ...
As a preliminary step for developing vulnerability assessment model of terrorism, this study aims to deduce and classify architectural design elements of multi-use buildings to protect them from terrorism using explosives. For these objectives, eleven domestic and foreign guideli ...
In this study, as a preliminary study for a development of a residential burglars' target selection model, previous studies on residential burglars' target selection were reviewed and analyzed in terms of methods and purposes of research, and the implications for future research ...
The purpose of this study is to suggest the policy planning and the policy model for CPTED in order to make CPTED become more established and activated. The process for this study is as follows: i) the related laws, policies, and pilot projects of the government ministries and th ...
The purpose of this study is to suggest the color schemes of the kitchen that are easily discernable for both elderly and normal vision while maintaining the original mood. For this objective, 105 kitchens in model apartment houses were selected for analysis and the current trend ...
This study aims to find suggestions on social housing policies through studying the history of social housing policies and analysing characteristics of social housing supply and financial assistance in Australia. Firstly, analysis of preceding research related to social housing a ...
The purpose of this study is to consider measures for crime prevention and improvement of city appearance on the design Seoul street by matching public design guidelines and Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design(CPTED). Public design guidelines for Seoul were analysed, an ...
This research aims to find planning issues on reuse of an industrial heritage as a cultural cluster and to suggest planning factors which can be referred when designing the similar cases. Analysis standards were formed through reviewing of precedent literatures, and the selected ...
The purpose of this study is to suggest the dissemination model of Post-Occupancy Evaluation(POE) findings to improve research utilization in the design process. To identify the directions in developing the model, 42 existing POE researches were analyzed, and several problems wit ...
The purpose of this study is to analyse the relationship between residents’ satisfaction for security systems and the fear of crime at each divided territory in multi-family housings, so as to investigate the direction for improving crime-safe environment. The observation survey ...