상업지역 가로환경요소가 범죄두려움에 주는 영향에 관한 연구
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This study explores environmental factors influencing fear of crime in commercial streets, and proposes design strategies to alleviate it. The environmental factors were derived by analyzing previous studies, and the degree of fear (that changes according to the various planning levels of each environmental factor) was investigated through a questionnaire. The survey also examined which design strategies should be considered important in order to reduce the fear of crime in commercial streets. The results showed that the fear of crime is greatly influenced by the surveillance from the inside of a store, along with the range of vision in the general street space. It was also confirmed that, in order to alleviate the fear of crime in commercial streets, it is important to consider securing sufficient illumination in the street space, while preparing an effective maintenance plan for streetlights. Strengthening surveillance through CCTV installation and ensuring the forward visibility were also revealed to be significant strategies. The result of this study is expected to provide useful information to establish design and maintenance plans for safe streets in commercial areas.