설계활용성 증진을 위한 거주후 평가의 결과제시모델 개발에 관한 연구

공동주택 거주후 평가를 중심으로

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The purpose of this study is to suggest the dissemination model of Post-Occupancy Evaluation(POE) findings to improve research utilization in the design process. To identify the directions in developing the model, 42 existing POE researches were analyzed, and several problems with the ways to present POE findings were derived. Based on these problems, 4 strategies for dissemination model of POE findings were formulated: defining the basic outline, considering designers' preference for information form, connecting related information, and building the web database. The questionnaire survey on designers' perception of POE information was also conducted to assess the validity of 4 strategies and to obtain detailed ideas for the model. This study, finally, suggested specific plans for developing the model in terms of information classification system, information presentation forms, and user interface, and, in accordance with these plans, proposed the actual website model which can be utilized as POE web database.