The purpose of this study is to consider measures for crime prevention and improvement of city appearance on the design Seoul street by matching public design guidelines and Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design(CPTED). Public design guidelines for Seoul were analysed, an
The purpose of this study is to consider measures for crime prevention and improvement of city appearance on the design Seoul street by matching public design guidelines and Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design(CPTED). Public design guidelines for Seoul were analysed, and it was revealed that approximately 20 percent of the guidelines accorded closely with CPTED strategies. Natural surveillance principle through facility design and space zoning, and maintenance principle are the most frequently applied for the CPTED strategies. According to the result of field survey and questionnaire survey on the design Seoul street, it was found that the main type of fear of crime in the research area was related to the personal crimes such as violence, pocket-picking, theft, sexual offence and theft, and the fear of crime was low and satisfaction of the street environment was high on the street which was designed based on public design guidelines. To utilize public design guidelines in terms of preventing crime, it is required to add supplementary guidelines for design and installation of security facilities such as CCTV, lighting, and alarm and items for management and activation of space on the design Seoul street.@en