Marko Lončar

9 records found

We present an optically packaged thin film lithium niobate device. We show that this packaged device is capable of cryogenic operation and is resistant to extreme thermal shock.@en
Efficient generation, guiding, and detection of phonons, or mechanical vibrations, are of interest in various fields, including radio-frequency communication, sensing, and quantum information. Diamond is a useful platform for phononics because of the presence of strain-sensitive ...
Phonons are envisioned as coherent intermediaries between different types of quantum systems. Engineered nanoscale devices, such as optomechanical crystals (OMCs), provide a platform to utilize phonons as quantum information carriers. Here we demonstrate OMCs in diamond designed ...
We discuss recent progress in miniaturizing terahertz devices, facilitated by integrated photonic circuits. We show these provide ways to engineer dispersion, achieve field enhancement and realise complex functionalities on a single chip.@en
We present emission up to 3 THz from a phase-matched terahertz-optical photonic circuit, featuring a co-planar metallic cavity traversed by an optical rib waveguide and a dipolar antenna for efficient out-coupling of terahertz waves.@en
The ability to control phonons in solids is key in many fields of quantum science, ranging from quantum information processing to sensing. Phonons often act as a source of noise and decoherence when solid-state quantum systems interact with the phonon bath of their host matrix. I ...
Nuclear spins interact weakly with their environment and therefore exhibit long coherence times. This has led to their use as memory qubits in quantum information platforms, where they are controlled via electromagnetic waves. Scaling up such platforms comes with challenges in te ...
We demonstrate the transmission of a ∼4-GHz surface acoustic wave across a suspended diamond waveguide. This enables simultaneous coherent mechanical driving of, and optical access to, diamond-based color centers.@en
We demonstrate optical coupling between a single tin-vacancy (SnV) center in diamond and a free-standing photonic crystal nanobeam cavity. The cavities are fabricated using quasi-isotropic etching and feature experimentally measured quality factors as high as ∼11 000. We investig ...