Alessandro Tomasino
5 records found
We discuss recent progress in miniaturizing terahertz devices, facilitated by integrated photonic circuits. We show these provide ways to engineer dispersion, achieve field enhancement and realise complex functionalities on a single chip.@en
We present emission up to 3 THz from a phase-matched terahertz-optical photonic circuit, featuring a co-planar metallic cavity traversed by an optical rib waveguide and a dipolar antenna for efficient out-coupling of terahertz waves.@en
Terahertz science and technology is possibly now at an inflection point where integrated photonic circuits become increasingly viable sources and detectors of such high-frequency radiation. Generation in both second order [1] and third order [2,3,4] nonlinear waveguides and archi
Photoconductive antennas (PCAs) have proven to be an excellent platform for efficient broadband terahertz (THz) generation and detection, especially in THz spectroscopy and sensing applications. However, since sub-picosecond optical pulses are required for pumping the PCAs, dispe
We demonstrate tunable dispersion compensation of femtosecond pulses at telecom wavelengths for broadband Terahertz generation in 7.5-meter fiber link using a Silicon prism pair. The prism pair enhances the amplitude of the THz E-field in InGaAs photoconductive antenna by up-to f