X. Zhao

8 records found

Solder fatigue is a key failure mode in the electronic industry. Monitoring the actual degradation of the solder under real-time conditions in any application would be extremely beneficial. In this chapter, we describe the combination of experimental material characterization wit ...
Reliability is an essential scientific and technological domain intrinsically linked with system integration. Nowadays, semiconductor industries are confronted with ever-increasing design complexity, dramatically decreasing design margins, increasing chances for and consequences ...
Reliability is an essential scientific and technological domain intrinsically linked with system integration. Nowadays, semiconductor industries are confronted with ever-increasing design complexity, dramatically decreasing design margins, increasing chances for and consequen ...
Reliability is an essential scientific and technological domain intrinsically linked with system integration. Nowadays, semiconductor industries are confronted with ever-increasing design complexity, dramatically decreasing design margins, increasing chances for and consequences ...

Landscape Approach Greater Bay Area, China

Landscape architecture explorations in the Pearl River Delta, Beijing and Jakarta through eight MSc-graduation projects

This publication presents the results of a design lab that explores landscape-based design approaches for adaptive urban transformation in fast urbanizing deltas. While using design as a research strategy landscape architecture principles are explored that ensure water safety and ...
We have characterized the dynamics of the polar nanoregions in Pb (Mg 1/3 Nb2/3)O3 through high-resolution neutron-backscattering and spin-echo measurements of the diffuse-scattering cross section. We find that the diffuse-scattering intensity con ...