A.D. Perilla Guerra
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Modernization of power systems leads to more power electronic interfaced units in the generation, demand, and transmission. Examples are remotely installed renewable energy sources, loads with constant power, or high voltage direct current (HVDC) corridors. These changes significantly affect the frequency stability margins of the system and thus special control techniques should be applied in the converters of the new installed units so as to shoulder the frequency regulation in case of commonly occurred active power imbalances. The response of such units has to be cooperative in order to avoid problems such as insufficient reactions or overshoots. In this chapter, a coordinative tuning approach of the active power gradient control scheme applied to the controllers of modular multilevel converter (MMC)-based HVDC links and proton exchange membrane electrolyzers with the provision of fast frequency support in a multiarea hybrid HVDC-HVAC power system with responsive demand units is proposed. This tuning uses an optimization approach based on mean variance mapping optimization and is able to minimize the frequency excursions in all interconnected areas participating in the frequency regulation even without communication between the system nodes. This technique has shown great results in terms of quality and convergence rate within a short number of fitness evaluations achieving a set of frequency responses within acceptable limits set by operators even in case of the loss of the largest generating unit in the weakest system area. It has also revealed the applicability of such a method in more complex systems and the necessity for sophisticated tuning methods according to the application needs and the system characteristics.
@enSupplementary Power Controllers for Modern VSC-HVDC transmission links
Control design and advanced modelling methods for point-to-point and multi-terminal VSC-HVDC networks
Power electronic dominated power systems formed nowadays are characterized by fast and frequent dynamics, limited short circuit support, low inertia conditions and lack of inertial support. Under these conditions, coping with active power imbalances in a power system may becomes a significant challenge for transmission system operators (TSOs) that may experience extensive frequency deviations and steep rates of change of frequency (RoCofs). To deal with the frequency stability issues encountered, power electronic interfaced (PEI) units can rapidly respond to provide fast frequency support (FFS) taking advantage of their controllability levels and their rapid response to setpoint changes. FFS may depend on the active power gradient (APG) control strategy that determines the required amount of active power, and the rate the power injection takes place. However, when multiple elements try to regulate simultaneously the frequency adverse control actions such as insufficient or over frequency regulation may be encountered. To solve this issue, this paper proposes a formulation for the optimal and coordinative tuning of the APG controllers of PEI elements installed in a multi-area, multi-energy hybrid HVDC/HVAC power system with modular multilevel converter (MMC) HVDC links and proton exchange membrane (PEM) electrolyzers. This formulation focuses on creating an artificially coupled frequency response for an electromagnetically decoupled multi-area system taking advantage of the available active power reserves and the inertia levels of each area. In that way, an active power imbalance can be optimally shared among the interconnected areas leading to effectively improved frequency response for the affected and supporting areas. The proposed formulation is solved using the mean variance mapping optimization (MVMO) algorithm after a series of RMS simulations is performed in DIgSILENT PowerFactory 2021.
@enThe increase in Power Electronic (PE) converters due to the increase in offshore wind energy deployment have given rise to technical challenges (e.g., due to unprecedented fast dynamic phenomena) related to voltage and frequency stability in the power system. In the Offshore Wind Farms (OWFs), the currently available current injection-based voltage control for PE converters are not suitable for voltage control in PE dominated systems due to the absence of continuous voltage control and ineffectiveness during islanding. Moreover, in such power systems, the conventional controllers are not suitable for frequency control due to the absence of dynamic frequency control. The paper presents the Direct Voltage Control (DVC) strategy in a real-time environment to mitigate challenges related to voltage and frequency stability during islanding of OWFs. The control strategy is implemented in the average Electro-magnetic Transient (EMT) model of Type-4 Wind Generator (WG) in RSCAD® Version 5.011.1. It is compared with the benchmark model of the control strategy in DIgSILENT PowerFactory™ 2019 SP2 (×64) in EMT platform. The comparison based on shortterm voltage stability and reactive current injection reveals that both the models provide similar results, confirming the validation of the RSCAD model. Moreover, the detailed representation of the converters in the RSCAD model provides a better depiction of the real-world operation.
@enIn this chapter, a generic model of fuel cells and electrolysers suitable for power system stability studies has been developed in PowerFactory. Both theoretical modelling background and software implementation of fuel cells and electrolysers are detailed. Furthermore, a case study based on a three area test system has been performed, which provides valuable insight into the benefits that the synergy between the electricity and hydrogen sectors can bring to power system stability.
@enThis paper proposes a Electro-Magnetic Transient (EMT) model of a 2 GW offshore network with the parallel operation of two Modular Multi-level Converter (MMC)—High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) transmission links connecting four Offshore Wind Farms (OWFs) to two onshore systems, which represent a large scale power system. Additionally, to mitigate the challenges corresponding to voltage and frequency stability issues in large scale offshore networks, a Direct Voltage Control (DVC) strategy is implemented for the Type-4 Wind Generators (WGs), which represent the OWFs in this work. The electrical power system is developed in the power system simulation software RSCAD™, that is suitable for performing EMT based simulations. The EMT model of 2 GW offshore network with DVC in Type-4 WGs is successfully designed and it is well-coordinated between the control structures in MMCs and WGs.
@enThis chapter presents a general overview of the experience learned with the use of DIgSILENT PowerFactory in the design of theoretical lectures and practical sessions of a power system dynamics course at postgraduate level. This chapter focuses on the experiences acquired in the course that is part of the MSc program in Electrical Engineering of TU Delft, Department of Electrical Sustainable Energy. The discussion provided in this chapter focuses on power systems application with special focus on (i) Steady-state, Dynamic, (ii) Voltage Stability and (iii) rotor angle stability. The main objective of using PowerFactory at MSc level is to expose the postgraduate students to real-life application, however, without lack of generalisation this chapter is dedicated to the is to expose to the application above by using a very well-known two area-four machine test power system (2A4G), it gives students insights and experience with cases closer to actual power systems. Results of this pedagogical experience demonstrate the importance of incorporating appropriate power system simulations tools in the postgraduate level.
@enDuring the last few years, electric power systems have undergone a widespread shift from conventional fossil-based generation toward renewable energy-based generation. Variable speed wind generators utilizing full-scale power electronics converters are becoming the preferred technology among other types of renewable-based generation, due to the high flexibility to implement different control functions that can support the stabilization of electrical power systems. This paper presents a fundamental study on the enhancement of transient stability in electrical power systems with increasing high share (i.e., above 50%) of power electronic interfaced generation. The wind generator type IV is taken as a representative form of power electronic interfaced generation, and the goal is to investigate how to mitigate the magnitude of the first swing while enhancing the damping of rotor angle oscillations triggered by major electrical disturbances. To perform such mitigation, this paper proposes a power-angle modulation (PAM) controller to adjust the post-fault active power response of the wind generator type IV, after a large disturbance occurs in the system. Based on a small size system, the PAM concept is introduced. The study is performed upon time-domain simulations and analytical formulations of the power transfer equations. Additionally, the IEEE 9 BUS system and the test model of Great Britain's system are used to further investigate the performance of the PAM controller in a multi-machine context, as well as to perform a comparative assessment of the effect of different fault locations, and the necessary wind generators that should be equipped with PAM controllers.
@enHydrogen as an energy carrier holds promising potential for future power systems. An excess of electrical power from renewables can be stored as hydrogen, which can be used at a later moment by industries, households or the transportation system. The stability of the power system could also benefit from electrolysers as these have the potential to participate in frequency and voltage support. Although some electrical models of small electrolysers exist, practical models of large electrolysers have not been described in literature yet. In this publication, a generic electrolyser model is developed in RSCAD, to be used in real-time simulations on the real-time digital simulator. This model has been validated against field measurements of a 1 MW pilot electrolyser installed in the northern part of The Netherlands. To study the impact of electrolysers on power system stability, various simulations have been performed. These simulations show that electrolysers have a positive effect on frequency stability, as electrolysers are able to respond faster to frequency deviations than conventional generators.
@enThe decommissioning of synchronous generators, and their replacement by decoupled renewable power plants, has a significant impact on the transient stability performance of a power system. This paper concerns with an investigation of the degree of transient stability enhancement that can be achieved in power systems with high shares (e.g., around 75%) of wind generation. It is considered that the wind generators can work either under the principle of current control or under the principle of fast local voltage control. In both cases, a power–angle modulation (PAM) controller is superimposed on the current control loops of the grid side converters of the wind generators. The investigation of the degree of enhancement takes into account different approaches of the tuning of PAM. It considers a simple approach in the form of parametric sensitivity, and also a sophisticated approach in the form of a formal optimization problem. Besides, the paper gives insight on what is a suitable objective function of the optimization problem, which entails the best performance of PAM. The whole investigation is conducted based on a synthetic model of the Great Britain (GB) system
@enThis study presents an investigation of the impact of the quasi-stationary voltage support provided by a voltage source converter (VSC) connected to a single point of a power system. Based on the directional derivative concept, an analytical method is developed to quantify the sensitivities of the AC bus voltage with respect to the VSC reactive power control modes. Based on a real case study, it is shown that the method applies to VSC units that are part of VSC-HVDC systems, which can operate in a point-to-point or multi-terminal configuration. Time-domain simulations are performed to verify the findings from the application of the analytical method on a reduced size power system.
@enDue to the power electronic converter based interface and maximum power control strategy, wind generators cannot directly respond to power system transients. This brings new challenges on power system transient stability. Taking wind turbine type 4 (WT4) as one example, this paper analyses its influence on transient stability with respect to locations, low voltage ride through parameters, wind power plant installation capacity and penetration levels. Based on the sensitivity analysis carried out for the influence of WT4, a supplementary transient stability control is proposed. The results on a 3-area system show that this supplementary control can improve transient stability of power systems with high penetration of wind power.
@enThe increase in renewable energy sources in addition to the decrease in conventional synchronous generators is leading to significant challenges for the power system operators to maintain generation load balance and to manage the system's decreasing inertia. Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM) fuel cells are characterised by high current density and fast power injection, which makes them ideal for frequency containment. This paper presents a generic model for PEM fuel cells developed in PowerFactory for frequency stability studies and provides an evaluation of its performance in a reduced-size dynamic model of the North Netherlands high voltage transmission network. The results show that the PEM fuel cell provides improved frequency response within the containment period when compared with synchronous generators for the same amount of support reserve.