D. Gusain

16 records found

A numerical model of a power system can be used to get accurate insights into the impact of policies and investment decisions regarding the transformation of the energy system, while also helping in identifying bottlenecks in implementing decisions. Spatial aggregation, especiall ...
Power-to-X (PtX) technologies are accelerating the energy transition. Increasingly, these technologies are also being leveraged as flexible energy resources to support the electrical grid. PtX models are often represented using a constant efficiency term as a linear relation betw ...

Flexibility in Multi Energy Systems

Models and Metrics to Assess Future Energy Systems

The transition to sustainable energy iswell underway and is introducing changes on both sides of the electricity balance scale – generation and demand. On the generation side, emissions-free renewable generation resources such as wind and solar are replacing the pollution-emittin ...
The traditional methodology for conducting technical assessments of multi-energy systems involved using domain-specific modeling tools to focus on the energy sector of interest, while making simplifying assumptions about any coupled energy sector. This was acceptable since the in ...
This chapter presents a general overview of the experience learned with the use of DIgSILENT PowerFactory in the design of theoretical lectures and practical sessions of a power system dynamics course at postgraduate level. This chapter focuses on the experiences acquired in the ...
Flexibility will be required as more renewable generation is integrated in the power system. Therefore, entities such as Flexibility Service Providers (FSPs) have emerged who can control a diverse set of resources in their portfolio to provide requested flexibility. An accurate a ...
To counter the inherent intermittent and unpre dictable power generation from large amounts of wind and solar, fast-acting resources are required, one of the options being sector coupling via power to gas devices. Industrial Power to Gas (IPtG) resources, such as an electrolyzer, ...
Power system dynamic studies rely on model-based simulations. With increasing penetration of DG, modeling of a network that is not only geographically diverse but is also technologically mixed entails great efforts and accuracy for such studies. Despite the availability of highly ...
Coping with severe active power imbalances constitutes a challenging task in low inertia multi-energy systems. The phase out of the majority of conventional power plants with large size synchronous generators entails that power electronic interfaced devices should take over the p ...
High penetration of power electronic interfaced generation, like wind power, has an essential impact on the inertia of the interconnected power system. It can pose a significant threat to the frequency stability. This paper introduces the notion of the key performance indicator ( ...
The value-proposition for Microgrids depends largely on the need and application. A Microgrid can be described as a group of interconnected loads and distributed energy resources (DER) inside some distinct electrical boundaries that act as a single controllable unit relating to t ...
Cossembler (co-simulation assembler) is a rapid prototyping tool for co-simulation. The tool is created to expedite the process of co-simulation development for power and energy system studies targeting user groups of power engineers, energy consultants and grid operators. Instea ...
Improved modeling and simulation of power and energy systems has become increasingly important in the face of energy transition. The main challenge is to capture the complexity that heterogeneity of technologies and uncertainty of renewable resources bring along. One approach to ...
Energy flexibility is key to integrating more renewables into the grid. An essential contributor to enabling energy flexibility is P2X technologies such a Power2Heat, Power2Gas, among others. To evaluate the flexibility available from these resources and the impact they can have ...
The evolved smart grid has become a cyber physical energy system that could be exposed to a massive amount of cyber threats. Vulnerabilities within the cyber part can be used to launch multiple types of attacks that corrupt the physical system. The complexity of cyber physical en ...
This paper introduces an approach for determining the parameters of aggregated dynamic equivalents for active distribution system from a reference set of signals associated with various disturbances using mean-variance mapping optimization (MVMO) algorithm. As the penetration of ...